usually the tallest, fastest plants out the gate are your dudes..

Just about Guaranteed..they take the sex stretch first..:headbang:..looks like a ball to me.. sided...? does she have Afghan in her../
Auto Warriors know how to grow!:thumbsup:
yes... yes they do.. me on the other hand :crying:

Just about Guaranteed..they take the sex stretch first..:headbang:..looks like a ball to me.. sided...? does she have Afghan in her../
hehehe :smoking: nah the other side started too I was just quick to catch it.. I guess plants have a dominate side too... (left handed, right handed)
and why yes.. yes it does.. with a little thai influence mixed in the genes.. not showing yet so if I plan it right.. it may work out

the kush started showing some stock color ... maybe from the tie down and shit weather?
went this morning and its back to greenish
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day 20 something or ... w/e almost time to pick for comp.. not liking any of it..
still nothing to see.... skywalker showed sex, so I'm on ball watch...




the kush.. was all the way to that stick pulled down, and looking purple.. this morning
erect and green... damn

maybe we'll get some nice weather this week ...
still rainy, with little breaks... plants are still looking happy.. I think they getting use to it hehehehe
i'll be back in a sec with some pics... I put the photo in the ground, somewhat.. fingers crossed there.. released the bondage and put the cage up around it. still wishful thinking.. gonna have to rig up a trailanimal setup one of these days.. morning of sunshine before it suppose to pour again.
some inground kush
View attachment 771874w.i.p, and the bouncing back dinafem..
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released with a raised support... gonna bend it over the other way now
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give it a month see if I'm happy with em
they are looking good, weather be damned, full green ahead!
they are looking good, weather be damned, full green ahead!
yarrrrrr me matey!!!
full sun dead ahead!!! swab the decks cause its a nice week!!!! finally..
i killed the caged dude.. the other one is showing sex n what not a lot faster and better looking in a smaller container.. so i'll keep him for so experiments...
the females are still growing strong, dunno if they females...
but I'm guessing they are due to the other 2 being male....
I moved him inside for quarantine lmao..


this pic is 2 hours after... we hit growth I think...
that top pic sure has a nice green!
surprisingly all the same plant, lmao I think the zoom made the middle one lighter..
but thanks, it does have a nice green.. balls galore today..
dancing on razor blades with this though... love it.
makes for an exciting story on the vintage

well... started a new dinafem bluekush auto... nice deep pot.. like the bucket but a pot... fancy.
check my soil... gnats and a bunch of other unwanted stuff.. trip to the store got some pro-mix... shabba!!!
just finished surgery, and replanted in a small planter that I'm gonna "red solo cup" into the bigger one.
@stepside .. into the wet cup... how many days till I hack the bottom off this?
meh ill give it a week
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so that means the first DF blue kush is on week 4 so its 21 days..
see how it goes this week... if the new baby is booming that'll be my pick for the outdoor comp.
think I seen a ball forming on lower branch of the skywalker... so it hermd I think... def. not outdoor ready..
gonna get some pics for thread...
stay toon'd ..
(since coming back here, weird ish goin on with my computer)
here's the new guy fresh outta operation..lil helmet head stickin out = success (perlite lookin thing)

waiting for other pics heres the dude today.. still outside.. living dangerously..

name that bug by the balls

heres the photo.. please be a lady lmao.. struggling to bounce back finally doin so.. doesn't like the tie down.. weird.. gonna have to look threw notes.. it should love a lil roughness

more to come..

was scanning threw your website @Dinafem-Mark ... message me and i'll put you on to something you should change
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ahhhhh finally!!!!
20 minutes to send pics 10 inches away... shoulda used a cable lmao..
W.I.P.on left... maybe balls.. BS ... dinafem on right.. thing is a tank.. takes a lickin & keeps on tickin

w.i.p. - looks like I gotta kill another


forgot to mention I am also cleaning the pot that held the contaminated material.. bleach.. rinse.. rinse.. a lil more
last thing I need is lil bastards in the pro-mix ..
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she's a lady.. @archie gemmill I've dubbed her mrs.gemmil. I smoke joints and drink tea with it from now on
the luck of the gobsheit blackpot got a female on the cross to dust with a male now... cant wait for the smell.. :pop:

the one in the bucket... I dunno .. the tear drop gives me hope.. but damn I spent about 20 mins deciding which one to put in the bucket.. it was between these two.. hopefully it works out in my favor .. probably not

get sum lil mulatto gemmil babies..
side note the untied photo is way happy today.. so something showing on that .. it also has a very different look/ aura about it compared to what it should be...