other grow areas
Besides the flowering room, I have 2 cabinets. One in the grow room, one in my bedroom. The bedroom cab is where I propagate seedlings and clones. The grow room cab will be a veg/momma cab. right now it has autos and a sick plant, a NL seedling, etc. Once the photo plants in the flower room are done, All auto will go in there. most will end up in DWC, except for these few soil plants. I don't expect much from them, my soil mix is too acid and they are already stunted but going to let them grow anyway. But wait till my DWC plants take off!
All used soil is going into totes for storage for the winter. I've amended the soil with lime and Growmore Organic soil builder. It should be ready to rock come spring!
The seedlings in solocups are in amended soil, hopefully with a better ph, we'll see, my soil meter's not here yet.
First four pics are from the seedling/clone cab, the other is thew veg cab.
Durrty Dragon x Blueberry Headband
Durrty Van Stich
poor little Dragon's Blood, ph of 5 took its toll.
veg cab