Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

I'm just in shock at how shes growing. I expected bigger and expected about 5 feet... but in thinking shes gonna top out around 7 and shes gonna out grow my tent so much shes gonna be just shoved in there growing to the sides and super cropped. I have seen plants like this before. But this is one damned super auto to day the least. Autoseeds better showcase this girl. Shes a beast. Gonna go forever but shes beautiful. I am planning on having to chop her one branch at a time directly out if the tent to harvest
The only problem with having a plant that big and bushy is the mid to lower buds don't get as developed and lower the quality somewhat. Have you cut any lower bud sites off? I usually keep the mid to upper Capone budsites and chop the rest off to push the growth upwards. With the roots and frame that dreamberry has you'd have 2oz top colas easy. Idk if you saw but my battle plant turns out to be a photoperiod. That's my luck. First auto I've had do this and in the first battle I decide to grow in. She's pretty big and thick now idk what she's gonna look like after preflower stretch. She's 1 1/2 feet tall now and almost 3 feet wide all big main branches all lollypoped and manifolded. I still haven't been able to find her nutrient limit. I keep feeding and increasing and she keeps eating. But I am a little disappointed I have to get out my old 2x4 tent and 12/12 her. Either that or turn her into a mother and clone her and plant a field of gorilla glue outside. Haven't decided yet.
The only problem with having a plant that big and bushy is the mid to lower buds don't get as developed and lower the quality somewhat. Have you cut any lower bud sites off? I usually keep the mid to upper Capone budsites and chop the rest off to push the growth upwards. With the roots and frame that dreamberry has you'd have 2oz top colas easy. Idk if you saw but my battle plant turns out to be a photoperiod. That's my luck. First auto I've had do this and in the first battle I decide to grow in. She's pretty big and thick now idk what she's gonna look like after preflower stretch. She's 1 1/2 feet tall now and almost 3 feet wide all big main branches all lollypoped and manifolded. I still haven't been able to find her nutrient limit. I keep feeding and increasing and she keeps eating. But I am a little disappointed I have to get out my old 2x4 tent and 12/12 her. Either that or turn her into a mother and clone her and plant a field of gorilla glue outside. Haven't decided yet.
I'll respond after I post my pics
Day 58.. shes gonna just keep growing. Shes gonna flower all spring. Am I even gonna get a crop before summer? damn...
And no, I'm not complaining. It's a compliment because shes still getting more bud sites. And i am gonna get 2 2 oz colas and 2 1 oz and probably 3 half ounce... This plant could produce a pound with the right supplemental lighting, enough space and a bigger bucket. When I get that extra space, I need to win some lights so I have more light... I'm going to run dreamberry see what i can get. Should I train to the side or should I knuckle the plant. Bit worried on snapping the main cola and I am just a newbie.

Heres a pic


I been running led for years. Started with cfl. I gotta tell you. My buds always looked nice but were fluffy. Once i put the hps in there them nugs got solid. In my opinion hps is still the way to go if u want weight on your buds. Plus looks like you need to get her a 4x4 tent for herself and see what she can do. Put 600w hps with fan and exhaust put leds at angle on sides of her. Make her swell from top to bottom. Just a suggestion. Whatever you decide to do she looks awesome
Day 58.. shes gonna just keep growing. Shes gonna flower all spring. Am I even gonna get a crop before summer? damn...
And no, I'm not complaining. It's a compliment because shes still getting more bud sites. And i am gonna get 2 2 oz colas and 2 1 oz and probably 3 half ounce... This plant could produce a pound with the right supplemental lighting, enough space and a bigger bucket. When I get that extra space, I need to win some lights so I have more light... I'm going to run dreamberry see what i can get. Should I train to the side or should I knuckle the plant. Bit worried on snapping the main cola and I am just a newbie.

Heres a pic



I wouldn't knuckle her at that stage is just bend her as much as you can. It's hard to do once they flower and the stems harden up but still doable only issue is gotta be where do you tie her down? She is so big. You could secure her to the tent poles if you don't plan on moving her out of the tent. With LED lighting spectrum is everything and you need 600watt or higher to get really dence duds. My 300watts do great for smaller plants but my bloombeast 900a took density to a whole other level with the intense red Cobs and higher PAR value. Your having the same problem I'm worried about with my GG4. I put her in the 2x4 tent to flower but the tents only 4' high and she's 2 foot tall now and hasent stretched yet and I've trained her 3' wide so I'm outta room width ways too. I might have to break out the 4x4x8 to have room.
Day 62, lights out. Wish I had kore space and supplemental lighting. I really think she could pull a pound with a better set up than what I have available...

I think your in trouble. Shes not done yet. She gonna push through the top that lil tent lol. I got a cheap 3x3x6 vivosun off ebay under $100. If you can afford id definitely do something fast cause i promise she wants more and thats not enough room lol. You need to get lights on sides also or shell only get nugs hard on top 2 or 3 inchs and yield will suffer big time. Im not trying to scare you just sayin shes not done and that tents to small. Can you take her out and put her in a corner of a room and hang lights like i have my grow like this.
somehow need to get air and lights under that top canopy and let her stretch.
I have no more room and absolutely no where I can put it. :( I might be able to try to rearrange some things but I have zero money for a new tent nor anywhere with space to out a tent. This sadly is what I have to work with space wise. I didnt expect this to get this big I expected this to stop here per what I was expecting triple the size of the manufacturer advertised size which is this size. I can get some side lighting and more air flowing but going to take time to get that too. In kinda in a bit more trouble than i thought because i didnt think this strain was goi ngng to get quite this big in dwc.
@faded187 I am trying to figure out any alternatives possible. The only one I can think is to take it out and out it directly in the closet but that's just not feasible with the fact half the closet is clothes and all the stems might break every time I slide the closet closed... if I could afford a 24x48x72 (or better yet 80in) tent I can fit that in the closet where my tent is now. I cant fit anything wider than 24 in wide in ny closet. I can fit in another couple small led lights as supplemental but again no money.(like the 1.5ft long 4 in wide bar lights) I wish a company or 2 would be willing to help out here, but theres not a chance so in stuck with a bit of a disappointment. Could be a big show off for a company