New Grower miracle grow a no no?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bandit55
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hey every1! I have a grow going at the mo in mg and perlite and was told to stay away from it, i understand why weed shouldnt be cultivated in it but i just wanted to ask if any1 has good results using mg????? just to stir it up a bit!!!!!!!!!!!:peace:
I know that if you use Miracle Grow out side it intices racoons to dig.
I have used a standard bag of MG potting soil to grow a beautiful outside plant. However, it's not recommended because of it's slow release formula or timed. You need precise control and the ability to FLUSH when using soil, MG makes it impossible. It feeds plants for 6 months, and when flowering you need more control. You can always grow in it till its time to flower though, I don't see much harm in transplanting. You can't flush out all the little fertilizer balls in their soil.
hey ashcream!!! eh... racoons?? that hi -larioius!!!!!!!!:crying: i live in Ireland so no worries there!!!!!!!!!
Sup Killijin! every1 says that but there is time release ferts in it and im also usin canna nutes and no signs of burn r def as of yet so........
Like I said that is fine, but if you want the most out of your plant you want to switch before FLOWERING. You need to up the dose of p and K and you will have no idea if you are overfeeding or underfeeding due to the mix of fert strengths. You COULD try to rely on a TDS meter to monitor your PPM to certain levels if you use distilled water, and keep it between around 1000-1500 for flowering ( i think, don't quote me ) But do you see how big of a headache it is to maximize yields with MG? You can grow a plant in MG, you can probably get a decent yield, but you will never get what you could of gotten without it as opposed to with it. Food for thought bro, just looking out for you and your plants! Good luck. They can grow great and beautiful up to vegetative... but you will have a small yield guaranteed.
thanks lad its very much appreciated! kind of a downer to hear its guna be a shite yeild!!!!! if i transplant will it not stunt them?????
Ireland would be great. You have no racoons in Ireland I take it?
use Mg african violet potting mix, only feeds for 2 months, has ph of 6.0 holds water very well. ive had my bhd in a gallon jug only had to water it twice so far and its almost week 6. its also safe to amend the african violet mix with 1 cup of espoma biotone starter plus per gallon and mix also 1 part cow manure per 2 part Mg for added N boost. hope this helps

edit: people that bash mg are just too inexperienced to utilize it efficiently, if you are offended by this statement you have a weak mind.
edit: people that bash mg are just too inexperienced to utilize it efficiently
Sure is a bold statement from someone who has no posted grow journals. Some of us prefer to feed our plants what they want, and need, rather than what some company decided would be best. When you have plants yielding 3 oz in one gallon pots, I might pay more attention.
The only reason I even responded to your post, is because I was offended, by your blanket statement.
