Lighting MikeyB goes double Telos

Not forgetting the Ladies on the forum also!

OK, it's almost time to start again, I just have a visitation from an estate agent to value the house for the landlady in the next few days and I can get cracking. Finished my alcohol re-hab last week and all is going well, no desire for booze at all! Went to the local grow shop this morning to pick up a few essentials and found out that 15l airpots have now been discontinued, so I shall be using a mixture of 15 and 10l pots unless/until I can find some online somewhere?

The growing regime will be much the same as previously described in the thread with exception that I shall be using 2 HS1's to start seeds off for the first 20 days or until pistils show and then move them under the first of the Telos's and then sow the next batch of seeds. This hopefully will result in a harvest every month or so when the system is up and running to it's full potential.I shall have the Telos's much higher than I did last time as I found they were too low last run and I stunted the plants with too much intense light.

I will post photo's when I'm up and running.

Peace and Love to you all

Good luck with the grow dude and the perpetual harvest . I’m sure you will smash this one, and well done with the battle with the demon drink. Will all need to keep an eye on humidity in two months time! But here’s to calm Water and plain sailing. Laters
welcome back :pass:and back to growing,i like every 21 days or 3 weeks whichever is soonest starting on a monday :smoking:
i got busted once and became an sorry as good as an alcoholic for 3 months,or untill my day in court whichever was soonest.then i found tea :coffee:
i get everything on ebay,but they starting take the piss me on with P&P im sure ive seen 12.5L
good luck n keep er lit
OK, we are up and running!
Estate agent came today and valued the old run down house I live in at £440K (WTF?). Having stuffed the spare/grow room with odds and sods so he couldn't open the door, I've cleared that out and re-organised the tent.

ScreenHunter_1828 Aug. 28 15.44.jpg

Looks a lot more organised with regard to electrical gubbins, although not everything is hooked up yet!

ScreenHunter_1827 Aug. 28 15.43.jpg

Just the two Telos 0008's to start out this time. Although I said that I was going to use two HS1's as well, for simplicities sake and my sanity KISS! I have raised them a lot higher this run, having observed the comments in the GN section regarding using the lights in the seedling stage!

ScreenHunter_1829 Aug. 28 15.45.jpg

So I reckon I have plenty of room for 6 10/15l Airpots in various stages of growth (might even be able to squeeze 8 10's in there) but, I'm not going to be greedy for starters!

I've dropped 2 Seedstockers CBD 1:1 Silver Lime Haze into soak (I will start a thread in that section) and will going back to using root riots before transplanting into the Airpots. I have also thought about not using added vermiculite in the Plagron Lite Mix as I thought the extra white pieces of that material may have contributed to excessive temps at soil level under the lights before?

Hope that all makes sense, I'm looking forward to getting this right?


yes! get it on! I wanna watch.:eek1: 440k.... it's fukkin ridiculous how much they value stuff at. a new decent car...$40.000 dollars. my first house was less than that.
I hope you own that house Mikey. :bighug:
Ya might be onto something about the heat.i either dreamt it or saw it somewhere,but are people diy ing pizza ovens and mixing the vermiculite with cement and stuff cause of the heat insulation/fireproof properties of hmm thinking it might be perlite now.