Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sour Hound F2 grow

I have some reading to do. Great to see your thread man

Thanks bro! Good to be here it's a little slow but better than that "other" place lol...........

Today's update just a pic of the 3 SH girls with the cover crop filling in around them:

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Thanks bro! Good to be here it's a little slow but better than that "other" place lol...........

Today's update just a pic of the 3 SH girls with the cover crop filling in around them:

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I said the same thing when I joined. I'm telling you once you stay awhile and learn this place it is as active as any other. The mods and staff are second to none, the members are happy and cheerful. I think I'm one of the few that talks diy though. Don't worry I'm working hard to get that section alive too. The best part about that is it is appreciated here.
I said the same thing when I joined. I'm telling you once you stay awhile and learn this place it is as active as any other. The mods and staff are second to none, the members are happy and cheerful. I think I'm one of the few that talks diy though. Don't worry I'm working hard to get that section alive too. The best part about that is it is appreciated here.

I'm gonna have to go drop by the DIY LED section later today then. I saw your pics over on the other site, the amount of growth you have gotten so quickly is absurd lol. :worship:
No sweat. If you want to tag your grow along here that's cool too, there's not much grow info out here on the SH's. I saw your other journal in the DIY LED section and the plants look great.

Thanks bro! Ya those are my last photoperiods, and they're coming down this weekend. Then gonna fill that tent up with Mephisto auto's and 2 fastbuds lsd25.
Thanks bro! Ya those are my last photoperiods, and they're coming down this weekend. Then gonna fill that tent up with Mephisto auto's and 2 fastbuds lsd25.

Every time I have ordered that LSD it comes back out of stock lol I am curious to see how it goes for you.

I am anxious to see what these Sour Hounds do under the COB's this time and in the organic soil pots.
Everything looking good going to pull up chair love your set up!

Thanks man, appreciate the kind words.

Here's pics from tonight guys. I fed/watered with de chlorinated water, coconut powder, aloe powder, silica powder, and ful-power. Same was used for a foliar spray aside from the soil watering. Cover crop is coming in nicely. I am happy with the COB's thus far.

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