Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sour Hound F2 grow

I am never trying to tell anyone how to grow, I just have a thing for air. I have my degree in botany and did a lot of research on this subject I just like to share my results with other DWC growers and more air is where it is at. Honestly I am trying to get 2lbs per plant in under 90 days, if so it will revolutionize the way commercial cannabis is grown whoooo hooo [HASHTAG]#lifegoals[/HASHTAG]

I am however going to toy with the idea of an airstone in the res for my SIP's............. :pighug:
Someone mentioned to me that my roots were a little "dark". There is no sludge, slime, rot etc. It's a coloration to the roots from one of the nutrients I am testing for the "flower" period. The exact color of the Hydroplex from Botanicare.

Someone mentioned to me that my roots were a little "dark". There is no sludge, slime, rot etc. It's a coloration to the roots from one of the nutrients I am testing for the "flower" period. The exact color of the Hydroplex from Botanicare.


Yeah they look healthy no doubt, I know about root staining and the difference between the brown slime and root rot vs nute staining. There is definitely nothing wrong with your plants, they are all super happy and healthy. The main thing adding more air does is make them bigger that's all. I like the idea of aerating the water on a SIP grow for sure!
Yeah they look healthy no doubt, I know about root staining and the difference between the brown slime and root rot vs nute staining. There is definitely nothing wrong with your plants, they are all super happy and healthy. The main thing adding more air does is make them bigger that's all. I like the idea of aerating the water on a SIP grow for sure!

My first grow ever was a Northern Lights photo period in a 5 gallon DIY sip, mainlined to death, vegged for two months, but she gave me a quarter plate dry. I am just going back to what has worked better for me. Hydro and I have a love hate relationship lol. But working for me here in this new location because of lower temps. At my old place I couldn't get water temps decent without a chiller and was not going to endure that expense at the time. I agree with you 100% on the air. Precisely why I have a couple stones on order for the SIP's, the flat round ones, an 8" and I have the 394 lpm pump waiting for just it LOL :d5:

With the 5 gallon SIP the res is only like 1.5 gallons so need to make sure it's not just all bubbles LOL. But I thought of something today to modify for more water volume in the same buckets, going to test it out next grow.

Ok so question. The last time I ran my SIP's I did not use a stone but oxygenated the water via the sight tube , do you feel the air stone will be more effective? If you do not understand I can grab a couple of my old pics and show you what I mean. The airline plugs in to the top of the sight tube rather than using a stone to "bubble" the entire res.........

Ok so question. The last time I ran my SIP's I did not use a stone but oxygenated the water via the sight tube , do you feel the air stone will be more effective? If you do not understand I can grab a couple of my old pics and show you what I mean. The airline plugs in to the top of the sight tube rather than using a stone to "bubble" the entire res.........

It depeneds, it is all about dissolved o2 if the bubbles were stayin in the sight tube then it was doing no good. If the bubbles were forced down and out into the rez then yes. It is like when people bubble their water then water their plants thinking they are giving them more o2, but basically bubbles pop and the roots will never get to use them if they don't have direct access to them. Does that make sense? So to answer your question, kind of lol if you think about it like this are the air bubbles going to actually come into contact with the roots? If so then yeah it will totally work well, @ashton is doing a hybrid hempy/dwc type situation that is pretty sweet. Not and SIP at all but it is still cool
There was no bubbles in the tube the air forces the water back down. I basically took the root spa hydro design and combined it with my sip. It worked very well just curious how the air stone might work vs the root spa idea.

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Sip is sub irrigated planter. I will find you a link later to another forum that has a thread on it where I learned a lot.

Basically you take two containers that are the same size and stack them. You put dirt on the top one and water on the bottom one. You make a wick and that draws the water up to the top. You make a fill tube to add water and if your soil is good you don't even need nutes just the plant grows itself. All you do is add water. I am doing them no till organic for the first time. My girls in veg are my best plants in veg ever in my short year of growing this plant.

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