If I get you right, you are quite new in growing weed? It‘s unbelievable what you‘re doing here ... respect, bro! Absolutely awesome and astonishing!
Happy growing!
Wow that means a lot and BIG THANK YOU

Grow History - Kinda Long, OldBoy has been around a FEW Blocks ....
1968 - 1973 Smoked weed threw bag seeds - nothing grew
1974 - Tried to grow bag seed in milk carton in a window, in the winter with outdoor soil - Failed
1978 - Purchase 8 Foot VHO Florescent Light - Bag Seeds - Some kind of potting soil - Failed
1979 - Outdoor Grow - Bag Seeds - Plants started looking ok, animals ate - oopsie another failed grow
1984 - First Indoor Grow, Buddy Gives me Indica Clone, I do some research and end up getting Cornell university soil mix which I amended with EWC and bat guano and fertilized with liquid Fish and seaweed along with Super Tea and Budsweel, couple liquid and powder fertilizers .... Had 220 electric installed with pro timer and 400 Watts HPS and got 180 grams of rock hard bud, no training so Xmas tree and cola was 120 grams dry ..... If you do research on Cornell university soil mix you’ll find it goes back to 1939 I think .... I hit a home run with that plant, super Flippin Stoney ....best weed I’ve ever smoked, period ..... even to today best weed .... Sam May change that, hopefully ....
1985-2018 - Family and 42 years in the trade - no grows but grew vegetables, organically all those years, huge tomatoes that I carried to work, from two plants, two-three bags full seemed almost daily .... I have a fascination with plants, love to watch things grow and I think I connect with plants, any plant, even some weeds are beautiful- ever see field of dandelions in bloom, dandelions are considered weeds but they are a member of the Daisy Family .....
Year was 1977 when my love for growing started when wife came home with those flowers and I had to plant, never stopped looking at them and how they grew, I was hooked on the garden thing, loved playing in the dirt, loved it, so relaxing after day of work, still do ....
So yea, kinda, but not realy my first but for sure looks like best to date ..... Might not be as good as I once was was but I can be a good as I ever was once .....
Thanks for checking out and will be doing harvest/dry and cure weights!