@Belivitez , Hey, my 2 cents, i have grown a white train, hubbabubba and some friends also a Hubbabbuba outdoors, and comparing the same strain outdoors, and indoors under CFL's wich also dont take the best out of this beauties ....... i can say, growing outdoors, in my case, with 12/14 hs or real direct sunlight ( im in Mexico Caribean side ), the plants take a bit longer, are much smaller, but yet with really nice big fat main colas, with side brunches not really big but loaded with small colas, comparing with the indoors i have done. ( same strains ).
I use organics nuts. and compost soil.
I can defenetley say, if you really wanna have the best out of an auto, grow it indoors, you cant beat 18 hrs a day of direct and constant shiny days :) Still you wont be dissapointed with natural light. :) Have fun !, plus its electricity free ;) :smoking:
thanks dude! its funny fact natural sun light vs. indoor light (led, hps, cfl...) where is difference in plant grow/bud development? sun have optimal specter for plants... is catch in indoor controled enviroment? sorry for my bad english language hope that you understand me ;)
@Belivitez , agein, just my 2 cents ........... in this case, keeping in mind that we are talking about Autoflowers plants, for my own experience only with CFL's indoors and the sun outdoors, it is an important factor the hrs the plant its exposed to direct, constant light, eaven with we have full sunny days, if an auto get only 12 hrs of light, it wont develop as much as if you give her 18 hrs or more of indoors light. Eaven if those 12hrs come from the father sun .....
To me, to get the best out of an autoflower, you need no less then 18Hrs of light ( with a good regular set up of any kind of indoors lights ).
Im not saing you cant grow outdoors ... and belive me, i have a pretty good sun condition over the summer, ..... still, for autoflowers, its not enoght to get the best from them comparing with indoors.
I may be wrong... but thats what i deduce from my experience of growing autos under the sunlight and indoors. :peace:
Thanks again ;) i will make some report of my glass room/house where i have day light all day on my lattitude May arround 14hr, longest day 20.6. 15:45 hr:cheers: biggest problems maybe i will have with temperatures. Have somebody any sulution?
Well well well I needed to hear that. I was worried I didn't have enough daylight. I've been thinking maybe hang some lights in the greenhouse to help heat it up so I can get started earlier. Maybe kick them on at midnight and leave them on untill the sun hits the greenhouse. Also thinking just leave them lit all day when overcast.
Tyrone special...day 72....chop day for this girl. Only about 13" tall butloaded with bud and no popcorn!
Ok so I have read through this whole thread and one thing I haven't really seen(minue @Rifleman) is folks doing @mephisto genetics, however there are a couple of folks here that are doing the HBBSS and all I can say is that they are HUGE. One is @AKsteel the other is @dcat0921, also there is @jtrain252 and all of these plants are absolute monsters compared to what I have see so far. The details sheet on the HBBSS says that it produces 60 to 90 grams. Well these three look like they could hit the 3 or 400 mark. Here are the links @AKsteel's grow @dcat0921's grow and last but certainly not least @jtrain252's grow so with these all being the same strain, it got me to thinking that mephisto's grow WAAAY bigger in DWC setups. I mean heck look a all 3 of these beast, I don't think that they all just got some random super bean. I think the results can be more attributed to the method.

I mean if it were say the difference between 100 and 200 no biggie you know, but if these things come out near the 300 or 400 gram range which doesn't look too far out of reach especially @AKsteel's Just my random ramblings, that it may be worth takin a look at the potential for some of your strains in DWC, Great work guys and I think I am going to go ahead and order the HBBSS and the SODK.