Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

Week 5 update

Sour Train.

Sounds good . Thanks for the clarification. Do we provide the seeds?
Most grow battles you provide your own seeds. If you do some of your own grow journals, enter some of the grow battles start to finish and active on the forum there is a chance to move up into the Cananzone Level 1 testers (seeds, etc) and more you do then move up into the next levels.
Wow, 4 zips?? What size pot is she in?
@UpNsmoke86 this grow battle had started February 1st (with some starting pregerm 2 weeks earlier) to be included in this battle a pic with code give out prior to battle starting needed to be posted. As for Battle Plant choice as some started more then 1 seed we just ask for the members to designate which plant they will be continuing to post their weekly updates going forward till the final pic needed before harvest. That way we can get it in the Final Voting poll.
You'll be able to sign up to run in the Mephisto 2nd Leg battle that will be posted for signups probably a month before this one ends.

What’s the last possible germination date for second battle and second question .... How do they determine / vote for the Title?:thanks:
@bushmasterar15 update sour livers battle ready! 36 days from seed 8 days into preflower lots of defoliation and LST this week still 6 inches tall but spanning my 2 gal smartpot im about done training this one time for her to run free!
Week 5 update


She’s in the back middle still waking up from lights on, she’s transitioning into flower so she drags her feet it feels like.

She’ll be booming by noon

My little 24 Carat that struggled turned out pretty darn uniform for a tiny plant


Here’s a lil group shot, it’s about to be CRAMMED in here

Hempys are EXPLODING with growth since their feet dipped into their res’s, I’m absolutely loving it!



Here’s my Mutant :) I love her!

There’s 10 different strains in that group shot, 8 of them Mephisto’s ;)


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