Looks like I'm going to have to drop out guys. My other 2 beans germinated but my mephisto for the comp still hasn't shown a tail of course. That must be user error (again) though since I'm told if $16 mephisto beans fail its no ones fault but your own. Good luck to you all in the comp !!:goodluck::vibes:
Don't give up man , some seeds take a little longer but when they turn on they realy turn on . Try putting it in some damp paper towel or toilet paper in a dark warmish spot . :thumbsup:
We have lift off.. 5 for 5

Sorry about the sideways pics

Ok guys finally have chance with stabile internet. This is today early photo... all strains together. When i come back from work i will transplant them into bigger pots and half to cob box and half to platinum led box :frog: 24/0 lights on for first 2 week... @mephisto HEISENHOUND