Mornin' Meph-Heads!
How's our gardens growing??
@Bud_Boy I take it you are joining our little soiree'? Let me know and I'll add you to the list.
Exciting indeed here at Chez' Wwwillie'! I've got four lovely, leggy gals in my tent. Very happy about this. @1939bear If my main root is as long as yours in relation it must be at the bottom of the pot already, wowzers!! Go Mephisto, Go COBs, Go NFTG!!!!
When I use to use them rooters I filled the hole in top with soil to help with that , just a tiny bit just to give it some roughage , I just go straight in dirt now
I started with Rapid Rooters and then stopped using them , straight to soil . Now I've started using them again thinking they might give the seedling a bit of a buffer until they got a foot hold in whatever medium they were going into . The one in the fogger setup didn't seem to give a rats ass it grew through the rooter through the soil right into the reservoir . One mans meat another mans poison .
Still waiting for my gold glue to pop outta soil. Might pop another if it hasn't popped by the time I get home, just in case.

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
Better safe than...
My gold glue was behind my MBAP, but only but a few hours.
100% germ rate on my 3 Crinkles and Bubblies. Thrilled.

2.Meph seeds.JPG
They definitely do the job but they create a nice amount of heat for sure. I have had some good and bad grows with them I first started with mars the cheap price and all the YouTube videos I watched intrigued me years later I feel you get what you pay for when it comes to them, onlyonce came close to 1gpw in 3 years of use(mars) and that was with 3 DP auto mazar's in coco. @IzzyTheGrower
I hear ya. Im littl curious, because ive been able to pull at LEAST a gram a watt, which is insane.. running 8 plants right now under a reflector series 144 and a 96. Constantly rotating plants and position to give them all similar lighting. I havent yielded less than 2 zips per plant ( and that was 2 plants that were each stunted). Typically the yeild are between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 zips per plant, although i did yield 4 oz off a sour livers and a white widow freebie mystery seed. ( none of my plants were over 12 to 14 inches tall.) With that being said, what types of techniques, nutes, strategies, tec do you use when growing?
How is the smell on the Sol? I'm excited for this one.

Sorry pal , so many threads it's hard to keep up at times, she aint that smelly yet she a relativley young girl in a stinky tent soon as I get something ille let you know, what I can say is that she would/will be a big girl given a bigger pot or different growing nmethod, I only do soil in 1 and 3 ltr and the 3 ltr I have ,i had to strip so much of her out to keep things in check , so yea I don't know how you grow/methods but she will be big given the chance:thumbsup: hope that helps :pass:
Just took a peek in my rapid rooter, seed is split open so she should be popping out within a day or so. Turning out to be quite the Comp, a lot of great strains being ran. Best of luck all, Happy growing. :smokeout: