Look's promising :thumbsup:
Chemdogging 1&2 - Mephisto - 1 week old.
20Litre pots 75% full of medium.
Soil/Perlite medium.
sitting around a 400w hps vert bare lamp.

Intentions of flowering : unknown atm (Harvest / Seed production from colloidal silver ?)


Is this the set up with the fogger ? If so, I take it you hand water till roots show and turn on? Can you add nutes to the water that's being fogged? sorry all questions lol there will be more
Yes it is and I did hand water for 1 day only . I lifted the pot this a.m. and there was the root sticking out the bottom so I turned on the fogger . Since this is my first attempt at this setup I have lots of questions too :biggrin: I will be adding the nutrients to the reservoir which is 7-8 liters to cover the fogger . Unless I get other suggestions for feeding it's full steam ahead .:thumbsup: Ask all the questions you want you may come up with something that I haven't considered .
This is the other part of the equation in Fox Farms Ocean Forest with my Berry Bomb observing the action .:biggrin: The Creme Bubbly's seem to have a problem dropping their helmets ?? anybody else having the same problem ?? :shrug:
Yes it is and I did hand water for 1 day only . I lifted the pot this a.m. and there was the root sticking out the bottom so I turned on the fogger . Since this is my first attempt at this setup I have lots of questions too :biggrin: I will be adding the nutrients to the reservoir which is 7-8 liters to cover the fogger . Unless I get other suggestions for feeding it's full steam ahead .:thumbsup: Ask all the questions you want you may come up with something that I haven't considered .

Thanks, I asked about adding nutes to the fogged water as the ones I have been looking at say only plain water can be used ? I take it the intention is for the roots at some point to hit the reservoir? At which point that solution is being bubbled? Is the fogger left on at that point? I personally am thinking of a different set up for the use of a fogger but I am finding your set up very intresting:d5:
This is the other part of the equation in Fox Farms Ocean Forest with my Berry Bomb observing the action .:biggrin: The Creme Bubbly's seem to have a problem dropping their helmets ?? anybody else having the same problem ?? :shrug:
View attachment 800686

I have dropped a few cremebubbly now, no probs , but nearly all my Zen seeds do have that problem I put it down to the 50/50 soil,perlight mix I use not giving enough ,can't think right word but I guess finding it too easy to pop up and so not having any resistance to help that helmet remove it's self
Thanks, I asked about adding nutes to the fogged water as the ones I have been looking at say only plain water can be used ? I take it the intention is for the roots at some point to hit the reservoir? At which point that solution is being bubbled? Is the fogger left on at that point? I personally am thinking of a different set up for the use of a fogger but I am finding your set up very intresting:d5:
As I understand it you have to be careful of salts in the nutrients as it can foul the fogger but what I read was not to use the foggers with leds in them as they damage easier from salt .Turning off the fogger when the roots hit the reservoir is probable a good idea . When the time comes I will be using Remo nutrients which as I understand it has very low or no salts . We'll see .
I have dropped a few cremebubbly now, no probs , but nearly all my Zen seeds do have that problem I put it down to the 50/50 soil,perlight mix I use not giving enough ,can't think right word but I guess finding it too easy to pop up and so not having any resistance to help that helmet remove it's self
I started mine in Rapid Rooters ?? with little or no resistance so you are probably right . Spoiled the little buggers again , I'm a very anxious grower . :rofl: