@biglee - Sour Alien Livers, Sour OrangeLivers, MBAP, Livers´n´cheese
@wwwillie - MBAP and Gold Glue
@NoRobo - Double Grape,Illuminauto[HASHTAG]#16[/HASHTAG]
@Yourztrulee- Sour Orange Livers and Skylar White.
@hairyman - SourOrangeLivers
@IzzyTheGrower - Double grape and AVT
@Gauge Steel- AVT
@Only1Sky - Crème Bubbly and Sour Crinkle
@johnp540 -Fantasmo Express, double grape, AvT, toof decay, grape walker kush
@strangegreen - AvT Special
@neurotree - AvT
@1939bear - Creme Bubbly
@rayuki - DG, white train, auto blues
@4tokin- Mystery mix
@JonnyBravo420 - MBAP, Sour Livers, Triangle Kush, Gold Glue, Toofless Alien
@JoshNHL- Chemdogging
@Raoul-Duke - Gold Glue
@Jibblerjoe - sour bubbly, Ripley og , auto blues
@InMephistoWeTrust - Bubbly Livers, Sour Alien Livers
@dankstyle J -white stomper, beary white

Hope this helps @dankstyle J
Thanks man I appreciate the input. So you used it for seed/seedling too? The 1tsp/gal of the 3 they list? Just making sure I understand you correctly lol

In the sample box I received I was also given a feed chart. I assumed like most all nutrient lineups they were geared for photoperiod not autoflowers. With that in mind I used what they have in the chart at 1/4 strength and worked up to 1/2 strength and by roughly week 4 of total growth they were at full strength on what is on the chart with Mammoth P added. Feed, feed, water was the rule of thumb I used and never fed to runoff. My plants loved it and they were the absolute frostiest buds I've ever grown.
Here. Let's puff this Heisenberg special
In the sample box I received I was also given a feed chart. I assumed like most all nutrient lineups they were geared for photoperiod not autoflowers. With that in mind I used what they have in the chart at 1/4 strength and worked up to 1/2 strength and by roughly week 4 of total growth they were at full strength on what is on the chart with Mammoth P added. Feed, feed, water was the rule of thumb I used and never fed to runoff. My plants loved it and they were the absolute frostiest buds I've ever grown.
Cool thanks. I've used it 100% so far. Even for a few of my seeds. That's what i was concerned about. If you used the recommended dosage for seeds.
Hey mang, have you ever got them to this stage, but when planted( i use coco) they refuse to continue growing?? I still get these "random" failures... lemme update....
Will for sure let you know. Was a bit of a shock for me seeing them that far along, was only 24hrs in water then 24hrs in paper towel and they are fully germed, i had to be really delicate when i planted and only put a little bit of soil over so i hope they keep going.

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I cut it at 1/4 strength and started use around day 5 without the slightest sign of burn even when blasted full bore and sometimes a bit over due to being stoned while feeding. I personally feel like the sample box is an outstanding way to get the masses hooked on their organic products. I don't necessarily look for the highest yields but the highest quality buds without any chemical interference nutrient wise. Only thing I found bumming was the 8oz bottle of Bloom Khaos and not a full quart. I think you'll love it and the results speak for themselves if you ask me. I've stayed medicated since the 25th of Aug. and helped a few others out along the way.