Non entry, just bud porn. :d5: yields are still there my man. @Royalroacho

Like this Blue Toof:

Or this Samsquanch OG:

Or this Cosmic Queen:

All water only.

Just stirring up those competition juices. :evil1::muahaha:
All my plants are ppm above 1200-1500 at all times.. Conservative folks in here..
Not all PPM's are equal.
If no one states which PPM measurement they use, it is very hard to know how to compare your PPM readings with another person's PPM readings.

Dutch Master PPM's are the same as Hanna PPM's
Good Morning Competitors
After do consideration and research I don't think I will engage in worm casting production :nono: Now bats on the other hand have some merit . They feed themselves and all you have to do is provide housing . Paper training might be a little stressful but with a little encouragement I think it can be done . :thumbsup:
Good Morning Competitors
After do consideration and research I don't think I will engage in worm casting production :nono: Now bats on the other hand have some merit . They feed themselves and all you have to do is provide housing . Paper training might be a little stressful but with a little encouragement I think it can be done . :thumbsup:
Worms are OK. Bats however are way cool. We need to do everything we can to preserve them. That includes NOT buying guano unless it is sustainably farmed. Seabird guano works as well if not better and is way better for the bats.

Edit: Thanks @arty zan not everyone knows what the conversion factor the meter uses.
Worms are OK. Bats however are way cool. We need to do everything we can to preserve them. That includes NOT buying guano unless it is sustainably farmed. Seabird guano works as well if not better and is way better for the bats.

Edit: Thanks @arty zan not everyone knows what the conversion factor the meter uses.
I just bought some bat guano from a guy who removes bats from homes , church towers , cottages, etc and relocates them . Bonus for him he removes the guano as part of his service and sells it for $40.00 for a 10 lb bag . Win win for him and not bad for me . Did you also know that bat guano contains bug exoskeletons and can keep slugs out of your garden !! :thumbsup:
Day 31
And so it goes, the tent explosion in WWWillies basement appears to have been caused by an excess of plant care. The plants grew so fast they overtook the entire residence by years end... Stay tuned for more.

At any rate things are progressing nicely. Here are my daily pictures. Check out Bertha, she’s 4 foot tall.


Tried to capture Goldy, but it’s hard in that full tent.



That reminded me, Ive caught 3 bats over the years. The first one was sleeping under the overhang of the entranceway to my dr office...i had it in my hands in the waiting room, screaming and clicking, cleared out half the room lol my doc gave me this dry look and didnt even mention it hahaha i sat there through the whole appointment holding it, i was like 19, havent thought of that in a while. I tried to keep it in a 5' cubed reptile enclosure, but they would need a very large aviary, i think they only eat while flying. Im not sure if theyd even be able to be kept in captivity, any cage would probably confuse their sonar. I let him go after 2 days. One thing that i never understood is why bats supposedly are a high risk for rabies vector, youd think they wouldnt really come into contact with other mammals. Wwwillie makes a good point, guano collection probably greatly disturbs bat colonies and seabird breeding grounds maybe? Ive read in a couple books and sites that rabbit poop is the best manure to use, i have a pet rabbit and grew a plant with his...butt raisins..., it turned out pretty good. @NoRobo, im not trying to shit on organics, i know it works, ive tried it and seen tons of bomb bud come from orggrows. I cant get into it til i have a house, but im very interested in making soil. I tried it in my apartment but started getting bugs, and i dont wanna come up with some crazy story about why im cooking and hauling compost at my parents house, although im pretty sure they know what im doing lol the other day they said i should grow when it becomes legal here, i help them with their vegetable garden. Im sure at some point ill get interested in growing for terpenes and smoke quality, but right now im pretty fascinated with trying to grow as huge plants as possible. I dont think its a greed thing, i end up giving half of it away, it my fancy you could say. I respect what youre doing, your plants look awesome and you clearly have alot of skill. Theres so many ways to do this, before these plants, i was obsessed with aquarium plants. One thing i wanna look into is tissue culture, i did that with aquarium plants. You clone the plants by cell scrapings and grow it in a nutrient gel. My goal is to have a house with a green house within 5 years and experiment with all sorts of botany. Boy, i am really wired, i found this "Kava" brand instant coffee thats really good, its de-acidified with potassium hydrate and tastes almost like the real thing. I think i may have gone a little overboard mixinh it too strongly lol
Day 38:
20171005_085356.jpg 20171005_085403.jpg
I noticed this morning that a couple leaves are turning upside down, is that indicative of something bad?
Hmm i read a little, people suggested it could be caused by ph problems, mag def, heat/humidity ph and temp/rh are good, id assume theres plenty of mag at 10ml per gal, but being somewhat ignorant about chemistry, i dont know how the noots might interact as the plant absorbs them and their concentration changes, if thats even possible. The only thing that i can see thats wrong is theres a little bit too much N, the leaves are dark but not curling under, i reduced the levels of the canna. Maybe ill switch, i had this problem before with canna and a couple strains, i had deficiencies of some minerals but N tox, and you cant mix canna a +b like a multi part bloom formula. Ill have to keep an eye on this, it might be the start of something...
Not all PPM's are equal.
If no one states which PPM measurement they use, it is very hard to know how to compare your PPM readings with another person's PPM readings.

Dutch Master PPM's are the same as Hanna PPM's
Do you know why its not universal? Is it a scientific dispute or smthg? Seems like it should be important to come to an agreement upon.

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Mammoth p works great in a tea.. I love some recharge though..
Well, clearly there are a few opposing opinions on Mammoth P. Works great for me, but then again, everyone has their own experiences and will form their own opinion.
Good luck growing guys and girls!