Maybe, or ya'll get fungus nat's or root rot and us DWC guys will prevail! :toke:
Gauge re evaluates in his mind
"Damn, I should have done a hempy bucket with brown stained Pearlite. The Dirt guys may have taken me in as there own!"
You guys remind me of the asphalt- dirt arguments. Dirt racers are all like dirts for racing asphalt’s for getting there. Asphalt guys are like when you’re ready to get out of the sandbox...
yea dirt + weekly myco applications = good bud
i am sure in some unbeknownst way it does, but i have never noticed. Im sure its a lot like eating Non GMO wheat bread vs wheat bread.
I grew up in the 70's in the PNW in the U.S. and have smoked a lot of weed grown in mule shit and such and it was amazing. Smoked a lot of DWC that is amazing as well.

For me in this competition I know size matters so i picked DWC for the biggest plant possible. Thats the foundation. The second part of getting in the finals is making it pretty.