i am sure in some unbeknownst way it does, but i have never noticed. Im sure its a lot like eating Non GMO wheat bread vs wheat bread.
I grew up in the 70's in the PNW in the U.S. and have smoked a lot of weed grown in mule shit and such and it was amazing. Smoked a lot of DWC that is amazing as well.

For me in this competition I know size matters so i picked DWC for the biggest plant possible. Thats the foundation. The second part of getting in the finals is making it pretty.
It's Not if you WON or LOST IT,S HOW YOU PLAYED THE GAME ... :haha:

AvT on left entry plant.

There is a special format tha everyone’s final pictures must be taken and submitted. Including a 3x5 card or a piece of paper with a special code that only I know.. we will get to that when it is time..