Hey check this out. Have you guys seen this before. Plant respiration. The leaf in the picture was under another leaf. When I moved it it was soaking wet. I had not sprayed in there yet today either. I have been noticing small bits of water here an there usually after I’ve been moving the foliage about. Cool.



Just be careful about that PM dude. Shit can sneak in quick!
Ok so this will be my competition plant. Seed germed on 9-6 popped 9-8 sprouted 9-10

A vs T 19 days old.
Light: 300 watt mars hydro + 3x 10 watt 5000k led + 1x 18 watt 3000k cfl.
Soil: Miracle grow organic fruit and vegetable mix with added bone meal and bat guano in a 2 gallon pot.
Water: ph between 6.8 - 7.0 I use tap water that has sit out and bubbled with and air stone for a min of 12 hours but up to 48 hours.
Tent: 24in x 24in x 48in
Temp/humidity: 75-78 / 45% - 52%
Nutrients: General organics go box and optic foliar

Today is a feed/water day so she is looking a bit thirsty but other then that she is doing great.

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Pops pick for 2017 GOY @wwwillie
Here we go Stoners:headbang::baked:
GoGrow 1000 watt LED
cobb type 400 watt

CFL 6, 25 watt side growth
I have a 400 watt HPS will use if needed.

I growing :cheers: She the one I pick for the Big Show:eyebrows::eyebrows::woohoo:
Sour Alien livers:cheers::headbang::worship::woohoo:

Room temp
R/H 56
Ph 6.8

So lets get some stats
21 days old or 3 weeks
tall 12" wide 16" :watering::friday:
