Please explain why you tied the fan leaves up around top growth tip.. Unsure of your goal...
Dude I dunno if you got an answer but it's called's done for a few hours(i think?)each day? expose the lower nodes.......without removing leaves?:pass:
Update brother. Keep in mind I'm going with the slow and steady method so no laughs. :thumbsup:
Tee hee. Ya'll know I am gonna be there in the end.

@wwwillie - my weekly update: 4 babes in AutoPots at day 24, and two gals in Fiber-pots from day 22. Not sure yet who the final contestant will be, but I'm leaning toward the Biotabs kids in the AutoPots. We'll know soon enough.

24.Tent West.JPG
22.F Mephs.JPG

Little runty (Double Grape, illum) Started out weird and funky. I have been able to coax her out of that and become a more "normal" looking plant.

It's way more fun starting with something that isn't perfect and bringing her around. The grower of the year can do that. :thumbsup:

Here she is on day 21, she just threw out her female parts yesterday, so the flower stretch is soon.

This time next week, she will have 2 300w Mars knock offs above her. Give her a bit more light. :greenthumb:


Im shooting for an even growth. The reason i do this for maybe 4 hours a day (for 3 days) is to temporarily redirect the plant's growth energy into all the node areas, allowing new branches to produce quicker out the gate. It doesn't completely stop growing at the apex, slighrly slows down, then right back into gear. I dont want a small Christmas tree, I want a medium to large sized BUSH!!
Ive found if you crack the stem with the "supercropping" technique, the other branches will have energy diverted to them. I think thats whats happening. It doesnt hurt bud developement on the branches you crack, it seems to make them a littlr bushier if anything, after the pinch. Its alot easier than the ponytailing and tying things down everyday, though ive been doing both. I only did that in my MBAP though, if you were really meticulous you could get a perfect canopy.

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