@wwwillie it's update time.

My Mephisto mystery mix have the yellow collars.
They sprouted on the 11th after a 2 week germination (cold conditions). They seem to be making a come back.
Day 20
Morning Meph Heads!
MY official Sunday morning Battle pictures.

I measured 13.5 inches from the top to the base of the one in the rear left! 23 inches across at my best guess. They are stretching now!!



And the whole crew.

Check out my new widget!
I present to you The Microbulator!

Thank you Mr. Tim J Wilson for this great design and making this available to the world.
@wwwillie AvT, FIM, Supercrop, Germ 9/1, 3 gallon, 100% perlite watered two times a day with 900 ppm, backed off full strength for all my plants and doubled watering.

View attachment 807994
Oooohh i love me some Hempy. After my last two DWC finish I am going %100 Hempy buckets. Just lights and fans. Such a forgiving medium as well.
Hey folks Everything I'd looking good in here. I've narrowed it down to 4 I believe. That way don't flood the thread with pics lol.
Fantasmo Express [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Toof Decay [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Alien vs Triangle [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Double Grape [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

@wwwillie Question if something happens and I decide that say I want to enter my [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] double grape will that be cool? I've been posting pictures of each and everyone up until this update, just didn't want to fill the thread with pics. I can repost my update if need be.


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Hey folks Everything I'd looking good in here. I've narrowed it down to 4 I believe. That way don't flood the thread with pics lol.
Fantasmo Express [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]View attachment 808227
Toof Decay [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
View attachment 808228
Alien vs Triangle [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
View attachment 808229
Double Grape [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
View attachment 808230
@wwwillie Question if something happens and I decide that say I want to enter my [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] double grape will that be cool? I've been posting pictures of each and everyone up until this update, just didn't want to fill the thread with pics. I can repost my update if need be.

Just pick your final gal by the 30th. Then she’ll be your entry.
Just pick your final gal by the 30th. Then she’ll be your entry.
Thanks boss. I knew I had until then just wasn't sure if I had to post pics of all the possibles up until the 30th. Your killing it with the NFTG I'm trying to get it lol instead of bloom chaos for foliar I mixed the Zeus Juice at 1/2tsp per quart and sprayed it. Found a really good article about kelp and humic acid, that's basically all Zeus Juice is.