Yeah I run the same but I might try 20/4 or 24hrs myself this winter. Always down to watch a guinea pig first tho :thumbsup::biggrin::pop:
I ran a 19/5 and also a 21/3 over the summer and was fine. Right now for the comp I am running 24/0 to keep the light thumpin and the ladies jumpin for the "sun". No issues to report on my end negatively although I can say my new light can't get here quick enough as I am positive what I have can't sustain all the girls that are growing now in my box. Hope it helped in some way, happy gardening
Ok folks here's an update not much really but it's been 7 days.
Grape walker kush Numero uno [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] passed yesterday unfortunately.

Up next toof decay 1-4 dates are on the label stick things Lol


Alien vs Triangle 1-3. Dates are somewhere in the pic on the bucket, tape, or plant label.



Fantasmo express 1-3



Last but not least Double Grape 1-2 really looking forward to these. Might be my pic out the lot, not sure yet.


That's all folks. Like I mentioned in a previous post all the [HASHTAG]#1s[/HASHTAG] are being fed with Nectar For The God's, [HASHTAG]#2s[/HASHTAG] Green Leaf Nutrients Mega Crop. 3s and 4s (where it applies) I'm still undecided. Wish I would have left room for a couple of these critical+ cbd autos from Dinafem. Oh well I'll get to them after the next Mephisto grow. Got the Remo Chemo also. Anyone have any experience with the critical+ cbd autos?
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Yeah no luck I think on the 3 I got as freebies :( although the one i gave my bro might be one not sure yet won't be able to tell for awhile.

Happy to be a guinea pig I am running 24/7 forever on all my grows lol. See how it goes.

I dropped 12 of them, 2 duds so far and the rest are the weakest looking sprout/pre-sprouts I've ever seen. To put this into some context, I sprouted double digits of other @mephisto strains at the same time (same conditions & space) without issue. Wondering if anyone else has experienced any oddities or if this is normal.
I dropped 12 of them, 2 duds so far and the rest are the weakest looking sprout/pre-sprouts I've ever seen. To put this into some context, I sprouted double digits of other @mephisto strains at the same time (same conditions & space) without issue. Wondering if anyone else has experienced any oddities or if this is normal.
From my research it seems like ALOT of people have issues with this seed.

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It's time for the weekly update.
It's not the best pic but we have proof of lift off. The 4 at the back in the small pots are my entry. At this stage they are 7 days old.
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I'll be on day 12 for my first 2 girls and 9 for the other 3 tomorrow so will post a proper update then, but may be only 4 cause one of them looks like she might not make it. came in this morning and this girl was completely leaned over on her side :( I've proped her up hope she strengthens up a bit

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Day 14
Here we are at my official day 14. I checked my notes and I somehow added a day to my count. So this is actually day 14.

Check out my new background courtesy of Teh Wife.



And The Whole crew.

Oh and they received their first full feed last night complete with a foliar feed of posidonzime and some bene's from Microbe Life. They look great I think.