@SuperCaLyXfragilistic . The PH of the bottled water was probably around 7 so mixing them your PH was still really high. Id just make sure you PH your water between 5.8 to 6.2 and they will grow out of it quickly. You could probably give them a little foliar spray if you wanted to hurry it along.
ph.... check! Optic foliar....check lol. Will see if that fixes things. Thanks buddy
Quick update. Do we need to tag anyone in this thread? @Ripper @wwwillie? I updated early in the week just want to make sure I'm counted in for sure. :smoking:

Trifoliate Fantasmo Express Day 11 under an autocob. Wish I put her in a bigger bucket.
View attachment 804638

White'n'bubbly 10/11 autocob
View attachment 804644

Toofless Alien Day 8ish Platinumled
View attachment 804645

Heisenhound Day 8ish Platinumled
View attachment 804646

Man that tri is gonna be a contender for sure looking like a beauty already.

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Quick update. Do we need to tag anyone in this thread? @Ripper @wwwillie? I updated early in the week just want to make sure I'm counted in for sure. :smoking:

Trifoliate Fantasmo Express Day 11 under an autocob. Wish I put her in a bigger bucket.
View attachment 804638

White'n'bubbly 10/11 autocob
View attachment 804644

Toofless Alien Day 8ish Platinumled
View attachment 804645

Heisenhound Day 8ish Platinumled
View attachment 804646

Very cool. It will be great to see how that tri will go into beast mode!!!
Trying to get better organized. Put these in all pots tonight.

That's toof decay, fed with Nectar For The God's. All my number 1's are being fed with Nectar For The God's just to keep it simple. This one in particular is 10 days old. I've got that written down. It's also on original tape I marked them with.
Excuse the child like scratch lmao
All my [HASHTAG]#2s[/HASHTAG] are being fed with Green Leaf Nutrients Mega Crop like this Double grape it's at 11 days. Also have this written down. These little things don't allow but for so much writing lol

I've only got a couple [HASHTAG]#3s[/HASHTAG] AvT, fantasmo express, and toof decay. Toof decay is also the only one I have a number 4 of. [HASHTAG]#3s[/HASHTAG] will probably be fed with peters aka jacks classic 20-20-20. Still deciding. [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] might be fox farms I dunno yet. All this information doesn't really matter per say, being we only choose one by the 30th. I'm simply making a post about how I'm doing things.
May the grow gods bless you all...
PS. Me too
Man that tri is gonna be a contender for sure looking like a beauty already.

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Agreed I thought mine was one too early on, but turned out to be a mutant cotyledon.
His is beautiful no doubt. I'm almost more interested in his than my own lol
I did some reading about it some strains are more prone to show that. In this case from my reading I think it may be considered what they call Whorled phyllotaxy. Here's the link. Definitely worth doing more research on.
They are all in their final pots, A vs T and White Stompers in 6 airpots and 4 holy buckets. This is my second test of my own organic supersoil, I'll be only adding non ph'd well water to the pots. My first test is coming to an end soon, the other half of this tent, and they are looking pretty nice. If you liked to see, it starts on page 27 of my Mephisto Goodness Inside journal. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/mephisto-goodness-inside.57352/page-27
View attachment 804629 View attachment 804628 Hey y'all, everyrhing seems great in this neck of the woods except I notice this today.... any idea what's going on with the tips of the leaves? One plans is in promix and is getting a tiny dose of calmag, and the second pick is getting less than an 1/8th dose of veg+bloom in coco. Temp is always below 80 and humidity ~60%. Both are getting voodoo and have had a lil recharge as well. Any ideas doesn't look like burn to me... calcium maybe?
I too have a problem ? with this on 2 of my plants but I don'y sweat it as it could be my enthusiasm to use overgrow too early . Also it doesn't seem to effect the rest of the plant and eventually grows out . So don't panic just watch and see if the grower or the growee is the issue . :thumbsup: