Dress you guys up, still can't take you out in public...

I need to start documenting my feeding and stuff. Guess this would be a good place to start. I'll prolly start a new thread, but for now...

The pots contain 3:1 NFTG (Nectar For The Gods) [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] soil and perlite. I soaked it with water mixed with Dr. Earth Metabolic Transformer to add beneficial microbes and mycorrhizae and start the "herd" off on a good footing as it were. I put a small core of seedling mix in the center to start the seed. At day 5 I watered with distilled (only because it was handy no other real reason), about 500 ml each. Day 9 I fed them.
Feed: I am going to try to use the NFTG "Roman Regimen" for this grow. The feed consisted of 5ml each of MM (Medusa'a Magic), GM (Gaia Mania), and ZJ (Zeus Juice). To this I added about 4ml of Microbe Life Photosynthesis Plus and 4 ml of Nourish-L to add some benes. I added a few drops of Olympus Up to bring the pH to the recommended pH of 6.3. I also calibrated my pH meter. Of all of this stuff I watered each plant with 750 ml.
From the looks of my girls, they liked it just fine!
And that concludes my first feeding of the contest gals!
Day 10.....The Tyrone Special started a little stunted but I think she will pull through. One is a Swiss Cheese not Mephisto.


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Oh, i'm a little bit confused:nono:
You're running 2 battles?:shrug:
Or maybe all?:crying:

@TheMongol hehe, yes right now im in all battles i think :) everythink looks chaotic in this momment but i must to pick favourite girls and than all looks without any confusing feelings :yay: :yay:
It's the Triangle Kush that started funky not Tyrone....lmao:smoking:

Couldn't just be them then cause my Triagle Kush was the same culprit so who knows, I am still blaming myself though. Just couldn't let her ride I had to touch and "help"