Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Genetics Strain List.

Sounds like a good cross. Uplifting from the Cush and knock ya over the head from the chemdoggin @pop22. Some nice colors I would imagine.
Good so it’s pretty right on with the photo. I’ve had and I like for daytime. Glad I have 5 seeds to work with. Keeps me doing things all morning. Then before u know it it’s 10am Saturday morning and all my weekend work is done lmao. First time I had it was about 6:45 am on a Saturday couldn’t help myself afterword but to pull the lawn mower out and start mowin. Then the weed whacker. After that off to the garden for some maintenance. That was all before my first cup of coffee. My girl was like wtf r u on. Lmao.
Hi guys,

I want to play around with some Mephisto plants for my next grow.
I already have some Sour Crack seeds and I would like some recommendations for the other 2 plants.

Is there a strain with berry flavours and smell?
And which sativa dominant strain would you recommend?

Thanks guys and gals.
Sati dom. Fantasmo express, hubbubbasmeloscope. The most sati. I believe SODK is sati dom too. They can all get pretty big too. I haven’t had nor grown any yet. But thinking of some SODK in my next order. Fruity fuely beautiful looking plant that can produce.
I think I will have a look at Fantasmo, Hubbabubba and SODK.
They all seem to be big sativas, so they would be a good grow and then the tiny sour crack will have to wait it's turn.
@mephisto I have two beans of White crack from 1-2 years ago when they were freebies on your site... As I know they're F1, right? So... pretty much "lucky dip" what plant will you get? Can be more tall like Walter white or can be little and short like Sour crack...