Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Peoples problem w chef is 2 fold. Selling bulk seeds for higher than mephisto price and he is already working on breeding so new buyers and those not familiar w mephisto and top.shelfs catalog will be confused and buying.chef made seeds.
Chef trying to breed is just an insult to all the years mephisto put into this..
New Artisanal Descriptions:

Artisanal Strain: Hubbabubbahaze

Genetic Heritage - G13/haze (Mr. Nice Seeds) x Hubbabubbasmelloscope F5

Seed Type: F4 Feminised Automatic

Project introduction and Overview:

Hubbabubbahaze is a true delight for the old school heads. Our intention for the project was to bring two classic building blocks of modern cannabis together with a new twist.

We wanted a strain to compliment the Sativa side of the hubbabubbasmelloscope which was made with a very special cut of Serious seeds bubblegum from the 90's still preserved and being passed around today, whilst adding more potency, quality and yet more sativa heritage to one of the first and favourite Mephisto Originals strains.

At Mephisto we've been fans of the genetics first developed and then preserved by the team at Mr. Nice Seedbank for a long time, when we were looking for classic yet still amazing and relevant cultivars to work into automatic form our search stopped there.

Throughout the 4 generations of breeding work on the journey to make Hubbabubbahaze, we continually selected plants with the nicest sativa structure, highest resin production and the most nicely balanced combination of aromas and terpenes from both parents.

If you're looking to spice up your garden with some hard hitting yet highly enjoyable sativa goodness this strain is the one!.

Strain behavior and structure:

Hubbabubbahaze we would say is a really well balanced strain from a growers perspective, she grows with really nice vigor from the off and develops rapidly at each stage of the autoflower cycle.

Left untouched she will grow in a typical xmas tree shape, producing long bottom branches, growing tall with lots of colas protruding from top to bottom.

She's a very versatile strain and will flourish with training from LST to Scrogs, should you wish to go that route you can turn a productive plant into a very productive one.

Hubbabubbahaze doesn't produce outrightly monstrous flowers and cola formations, but don't be fooled she puts compact flowers EVERYWHERE, which results in an impressive yield.

With good and active plant management you can grow the HBH in close proximity to others, we've had them at densities of up to 9/1.2 meters square, but you will see her full potential emerge given more space to spread her wings.

Resin production is really nice, again making it a plant that is flexible and can be grown to suit your own purpose, be it for flowers, extracts or a combination of both. The only points to be aware of are not to go too heavy with nitrogen throughout the grow, like most geniune sativas and somethings in life, less is more. The second point to take note of is that her branching is pretty delicate, and once she starts plumping her flowers in the mid-late stage of flower it's likely she'll need added support, either with standard canes or yo-yo's.

To re-cap if you're looking for high yields, potentially monster sized plants of high quality nuggetry thats relatively easy to grow. Hubbabubbahaze could be your #1 lady.

Strain figures and info:

Size - 70 to 100cm tall/60-80cm wide (untrained, with space to spread out)

Structure - Xmas tree style, slightly delicate long branches. Be prepared to support from mid to late flower.

Indica/Sativa - 20/80

Cycle Time - 75 to 85 days from sprout

Yield - 120 to 200 grams

Aroma - Mild sweetly scented with hints of honey, pine and bubblegum.

Taste - Classic 80's -90's high grade bubblegum with a hazey slightly skunky edge.

Effect - Smooth sativa up high, giggles ensue with rushes of energy and creativity.

Medicinal Benefits - Anti-depressant qualities.

Cannabinoids - TBA

Extract information - Greasy, fine resins lend to very high quality bubblehash and other extracts potential.


Artisanal Strain: Mango Smile

Genetic Heritage - Mango haze (Mr. Nice Seeds) x Toof Decay F5

Seed Type: F4 Feminised Automatic

Project introduction and Overview:

Mango haze is one of 4 new sativa based strains that we've developing over the last couple of years. These projects were conceptualized as we're huge sativa lovers at Mephisto, and we know a lot of you guys are also. So consider these the ying to the yang of the ever expanding MG catalogue.

Like with our other new sativa strain 'hubbabubbahaze', we sourced the seeds to work this project from Mr. Nice Seeds, we've been fans of the genetics first developed and then preserved by the team at Mr. Nice Seedbank for a long time, when we were looking for classic yet still amazing and relevant cultivars to work into automatic form our search stopped there.

We had been dying to base a new Artisanal project off our Original line strain 'Toof Decay', Toof Decay is heavy on the Indica side of the spectrum but has one of the nicest most palatable tastes in our catalogue, and produces frankly oodles of resin, so it seemed like an ideal candidate to splice with a heavy sativa and bring a new exciting hybrid to the autoflower table.

The result is a veritable beast of a strain, the most sativa/hazey specimen from these new offerings. This strain is not for novices however, It should be respected and treated as a Sativa in automatic format.

However that said the rewards from growing this strain are plentiful.

Strain behavior and structure:

Mango Smile can be assessed as quite unusual in behaviour and structure, she starts off with pretty unique leaf shapes, soft but definitely showing her sativa genetics.

The seedling and vegetative stage is quite undramatic, she just gets on with it, fairly open structured plants from the off, however once she sexes and hits the pre-flower stage all hell breaks loose.

Following our MG grow method for breeding of 18 female plants per 4x8ft space, everytime we've grown Mango Smile, they've outgrown the 7ft ceiling height, requiring a heavy supercrop of the main stem to bring them into line.

We would definitely recommend growing the Mango Smile at less plant densities. We would recommend a big pot, and actively training them from early on, be it as minor as leaf tucking, to LST, to HST and scrogging, they can be manipulated heavily without slowing them down too much.

As noted just above, be prepared for a generous stretch, if grown naturally the foliage will be pretty sparse, she puts out big big fan leaves and the branches have large internodal gaps, if trained her foliage will be more apparent and will probably require several sessions of leaf management to ensure all the flower sites are bathed adequately in light.

Depending how you shape the Mango smile, you can either get a big monster cola and satelitte flowers, or multi-topped plants with slimmer flowers. The flowers are generally compact for a heavy sativa strain, and the calyxs can stack, but when grown correctly the flowers are heavily encrusted in thick white resin.

Like photoperiod sativas, this strain will be sensitive to the environment, when dialled in you can expect BIG yields of really fire product, and again as with the Hubbabubbahaze less can be more when it comes to nitrogen and what you fuel her with.

The aromas from this strain are really delectable! When putting our noses in it transports us back to our visits to the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam back in the day.

For us, this is one of the most exciting projects to come to fruition, and to make available to you guys. It isn't an autoflower for the novices, but with some research and care she is well tamable.

She can run on the longer side of the spectrum, in our environment up to 85 days, but for a Sativa strain and the size possible once she starts flowering she can finish remarkably fast for a haze based strain.

Strain figures and info:

Size - 90 to 120cm

Structure - Sativa madness, wild and branchy.

Indica/Sativa - 15/85

Cycle Time - 75 to 90 days from sprout

Yield - 100 to 150g

Aroma - Spicey, Fruity, Strong old school highgrade delight

Taste - Mango, tropical fruit salad, skunky.

Effect - Strong cerebral high, good social effects, lowering anxiety and bringing on a fat smile.

Medicinal Benefits - Anti stress, pain relief.

Cannabinoids - TBA

Extract information - High oil production ideal for extracts.


Artisanal Strain: Pink Panama

Genetic Heritage - Panama/Deepchunk (Ace/Cannabiogen x Pink Sativa breeding Auto circa 2011)

Seed Type: F4 Feminised Automatic

Project introduction and Overview:

Pink Panama was a hybrid photo to auto cross first made some many moons before Mephisto was born as a company. Over the years we've made many many project crosses with genetics that peak our interest, however that often leads to a problem of having too many projects and not enough time or space to develop them further, however they're always kept in the archive ready to pick up with again. This strain is one example of that. At the time it was created, other projects took precedent. However when we knew we had a couple of Sativa projects on the table, we raided the archive to see which others would complement a sativa release and by gum we're glad we had this cross tucked away.

This strain is VERY unique, firsty the photoperiod Panama Chunk created by Ace Seeds/Cannabiogen is a dream combination of very special examples of a heavy indica and heavy sativa from very different parts of the world.

In photoperiod form it's one of THE most resinous cultivars we've come accross in our time growing. We knew we wanted to further the Sativa in the project and we were passed autoseeds we worked for several generations that displayed pink coloration in the flowers even in a warm to hot environment, growing with nice vigor and displaying above average resistance to mould and pests.

Through the next generations, the phenotypes we prioritised were having a large, long main cola dominant structure, hints of colour contrasting a thick coating of resin.

Pink panama is the fastest strain from these 4 sativa release strains, she can finish very rapidly, in certain cases even less than a 60 day from sprout time frame.

We can't stress enough how much of a unique and fun auto this is to give a run through your garden.

Strain behavior and structure:

Pink Panama begins life with nice slender serrated sativa leaves expressing that Panama heritage.

Her outright size can be quite well defined by the container size used. Given a smaller pot she can make a nice 'smaller' SOG style plant for a sativa dominant autoflower, however given room to stretch her legs she'll do just that.

She's also a strain that can be more easily triggered into flowering, and flowering hard when given less room.

In our breeding conditions the majority have been tall, very main cola dominant, however with tight internodes and satelite colas that surround the main stem. The flower formations are not outright beefy, but provide a nice dense cluster that tightens well after drying to create a very nice end product. There are a few phenotypes and the differences are mostly expressed within the flowers as opposed to the overall plant structure. Buds can see colours creeping in from early flowering, or be predominantly silver with frost and the pink purple hues express themselves more strongly in the final phase as the flowers bulk and swell and nutrients are expended within the plant.

Frost is pretty abundant on the Pink Panama, but for us the real magic with this plant is the super unique aromas and flavours to be found! There's nothing else in our catalogue quite like it!

Strain figures and info:

Size - 60 to 90cm

Structure - Main cola dominant with modest satelite branches.

Indica/Sativa - 40/60

Cycle Time - 60 to 70 days from sprout

Yield - 90 to 120g

Aroma - Super unique dark aromatic coffee-esq to fruit plum musk

Taste - Earthy, woody to dark chocolate with a pinch of zest.

Effect - Balanced euphoria to relaxed sleepy buzz.

Medicinal Benefits - Great for stress, depression and soothing aches and pains.

Cannabinoids - TBA

Extract information - Particularly oily strain that lends well to pressing.


Artisanal Strain: Super Orange Haze

Genetic Heritage - Super Lemon Haze (BCN cut) x S.O.D.K F5

Seed Type: F4 Feminised Automatic

Project introduction and Overview:

The Super Orange Haze F1 photoperiod x auto cross was made way back in 2015, doing continued work on the originals line strains, we were already looking to develop new and improved strains based off of those. We were running and trialling a multitude of high quality photoperiod cuttings, and one stood way out from the crowd as one of the oiliest most stickiest going. The cutting in question was a super lemon haze aquired from Barcelona. It was perhaps the first strain we would take rolled joints down to the photoperiod flowering room and rub on the plants for some true 'live resin' fun.

The vigor was something to behold, you could pop a relatively small cutting into flower and she would bush out and go mental, tripling, quadrupling, quintupling, a really nice strain to scrog for a smashing yield but still had that topshelf headstash quality to. The strain to mate her with was obvious to us, to compliment the citrus lemony skunky funk haze, was our Sour Orange Diesel Kush for a doubly citrusy experience.

During the development of the project we have primarily focused on capturing the resin production and high level of terpenes over the overall plant size, however when grown in a good environment she can certainly get some size on to match to make a very well rounded, Super strain.

Strain behavior and structure:

Overall we'd classify the Super Orange haze as a medium sized strain, with potential in the correct environment to monster at a fast rate. Seedling growth is steady, the internodal gaps will vary depending on lightsource used, in our breeding environment she will produce good dominant branching from early on. Leaves begin looking thick green and indica (especially seen side by side with our other new sativa strains) however as she transitions into pre-flower and then full flower, the leaves also transition and express a much more sativa style of plant.

Oils start to emerge not long after stretch and budsites start to form and then they build exponentially from there on out.

Naturally Super Orange haze will form quite a thick main cola, with decent sized secondaries to match, but she will train in a way that can spread that flower weight across the whole plant for a higher than average yield.

Overall the Super Orange Haze isn't a finicky plant to grow, and the quality of nuggetry is certainly of the top shelf xxx variety, she's pretty adaptable also, lending well to low or high plant density grows.

Strain figures and info:

Size - 70 to 100cm

Structure - Medium in stature, bushy but potential to get taller and branchier.

Indica/Sativa - 25/75

Cycle Time - 70 to 80 days from sprout

Yield - 90 to 150g

Aroma - Zesty, lemon.

Taste - Sherbert sweet with some sourness

Effect - happy uplifting but with K.O potential

Medicinal Benefits - Anti depressant and lowers stress

Cannabinoids - TBA

Extract information - Performs very well with all extraction methods.
Thanks for the descriptions, looking forward to these. Will there be a restock for the Black Friday sale or just the 4 new strains? I'm hoping to pick up some more GWK.
Got good enough stock of the Cosmic Queen? I'd like to snag it plus the 4 Sativas in one go. Thanks Stan.
I am not 100% sure yet. But I believe the queen will be on the US site, likely without a discount though. Stock is getting low.
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