Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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received another order in the UK within a couple of days of ordering - thanks Mephisto :pass:

i got a query on my freebie!
it's labelled "WCH". when the missus said that i assumed NCH but looking at it the W is certainly a W...:vibe:
I’m simply here to report the sour crack sweet smelling sour milk with a dash of dead shrimp has taken over the room. Over powers my other girls big time. Smoked my last SC bud last night from first grow. Damn. Bout 20+ days to go before I can harvest at least one of my SCs!

Positive vibes to our Canadian friends and hope Stan’s germ testing helps you folks out.

I’ve got 3 more SC seeds on the way from recent US order. Plopping them down later this year and will report on germ rate. Zero mephisto bean failures so far.

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No issues with Mephisto- My second grow and like first germination not an issue ....

Lightly scratch seeds with sandpaper the pen esoak seeds in rainwate with a touch of BioAg microorganisms ... after 24 hours soak, pop seed direct into soil and few days later pop-goes-the-seed ..... 4 for 5 and think I planted the fourth one too deep thus planted a second seed .... Seeds were Strawberry Nugs, Gold Glue, 3 Bears and Sam’s Crack .... Love Mephisto.

I DO NOT LIKE the Paper Towel method as I usually flip up and somehow damage tail with fingers and there are thousands of tiny hairs on the tail, damage them and expect slower growth.

Last paragraph is spot on comment for me. I’ve ruined seeds in my old days of outdoor grows.

I’m a firm believer in rapid rooters. We all have our preference for sure and stick with what we know.

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I agree. But some people love the paper towel method. Mainly because they see the tail. I don't need to even see the seed cracked. 24 hrs soak will give the seed enough moisture to start the process. I know the rest is all about having the right temps. Once you soak the seed, have your temps 80-85F for the few days it takes to get the seed above ground. I will stress the importance of the 80-85F temps, that is the difference between fast germination and potential failure. ANYONE can fail. If you post a thread on this site and in the first sentence you state that your temps are in the 70's for this process, I will tell everyone the same thing. Don't start your seeds UNTIL you can have 3-4 days of 80-85F temps in a row. If anyone takes it upon themselves to start seedlings in cold weather, go the extra step and monitor your temps BEFORE you get the itch to pop seeds. This is literally the most important part of the plants life. Once your plant had roots, 70s are fine. But please, don't try to say "72F is close enough to 80", then fail and wonder why. Yes 8-10F difference in temps will cause failures and besides over watering... incorrect temps are the next in line for seedling failure.
I agree. But some people love the paper towel method. Mainly because they see the tail. I don't need to even see the seed cracked. 24 hrs soak will give the seed enough moisture to start the process. I know the rest is all about having the right temps. Once you soak the seed, have your temps 80-85F for the few days it takes to get the seed above ground. I will stress the importance of the 80-85F temps, that is the difference between fast germination and potential failure. ANYONE can fail. If you post a thread on this site and in the first sentence you state that your temps are in the 70's for this process, I will tell everyone the same thing. Don't start your seeds UNTIL you can have 3-4 days of 80-85F temps in a row. If anyone takes it upon themselves to start seedlings in cold weather, go the extra step and monitor your temps BEFORE you get the itch to pop seeds. This is literally the most important part of the plants life. Once your plant had roots, 70s are fine. But please, don't try to say "72F is close enough to 80", then fail and wonder why. Yes 8-10F difference in temps will cause failures and besides over watering... incorrect temps are the next in line for seedling failure.
Spot on @slowandeasy ! It IS all about the temps. Only bad germ. and bad early growth has been directly the result of cold temps. Don’t waste time and money until that is dialed in.
........ The H2O2 definitely didn't hurt, I am not sure if it will be above ground before the one with the H2O2. I will try it on my next seeds too. But I will lay off for 2 weeks starting more seeds. I did this to prove the Sour Crack seeds germ just fine, and they do. Thanks again, peace slowandeasy

Thank you for sharing! BTW some guys even use diluted H2O2 during the entire grow keeping the medium „clean“ (disinfection) and providing more oxygen for the root zone .... wouldn‘t be a good idea with my set-up, because the H2O2-desinfection kills beneficial bacteria, too!

But it‘s really excellent for germination ...I always use it.


After f__king up my first grow attempt with Bagged FFOF and my lack of understanding of an autoflower .... I did a lot of research into this living soil thing and took my outdoor garden skills, inside and went with Living Soil and boy oh boy are these girls cooking ....Grow started just after Black Friday and after all that time, I MAY get 2.5-3 ounces from five plants(still sitting in pots right now) lucky I got anything, speaks volumes for the genetics....

To give you a little background, over last 40 years I’ve been known to grow some killer organic tomatoes - people fight over them when brought to work .... I tried my first grow inside due to laws changing and did the FFOF / HF and tried to mix in my organic outdoors skills .... I learned, worms put into fox farms soil doesn’t make it living soil .... Tomatoe on right is heirloom Rutgers, taste to die for .... Left is early girl, good but nothing compared the heirloom, oh my goodness goodness mercy me

Proud Papa of these girls ..... 26 to 33 days old .... Sam’s Crack biggest with Hat .... Gold Glue to the Left and Strawberry Nugs, youngest girl in the Rear, she’s about 26 days old, popped early February
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I am responding to my own post! I soaked both seeds for 24 hours. 1 in plain RO water and 1 in H2O2 diluted in water . I planted the seeds approx 24 hours ago, neither were opened or had a tail. Because apparently many people have had issues with Sour Crack seeds not germinating, I wanted to try it out on some Sour Cracks just ordered last week. Anyways, I uncovered both seedlings to see if anything's happened, as I just lightly cover my seeds when I planted them. Well, after a 24hr Soak and the planted directly into Coco, both seeds are opened and the tap root is already growing downward. They will be above the ground by tomorrow this time. Sorry fellas, it is not the seeds that won't germinate. It is total user error if you can't get them to Germinate. I actually think they are moving faster than my last ones. That is good news. Anyone failed to Germinate your Sour Cracks lately? Hit me up, if you need help. I can assure you that the seeds are viable and actually, will be up in less than 72 hours from soaking in water. The H2O2 definitely didn't hurt, I am not sure if it will be above ground before the one with the H2O2. I will try it on my next seeds too. But I will lay off for 2 weeks starting more seeds. I did this to prove the Sour Crack seeds germ just fine, and they do. Thanks again, peace slowandeasy
I think another thing that might give people trouble popping seeds might be what happens during delivery who knows what they do or were they put them while delivering set some packages next to heater somewhere and they cook over night before you get them or freeze or anything
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