Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Hi all,

It's my first try with autoflower seeds and with Mephisto for me. I put 2x white n bubbly and 2x toofless alien directly in soil 18 days ago and they all sprouted 2 days after, 100% germination rate, no problem at all. The genetics do all the work, i barely have to feed them some water from time to time. They are in 14L pots and under a single 80w Hans Panel:

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The taller one is under the Hans from day one, the three little ones have started their lives outside under the sun, but then the sun decided to go somewhere else so i put those three under the hans too. I hope the spring will start someday in my country...

Good gear anyway, thanks Mephisto !
Tell me about the soil.
It's not really soil it's like a bag of amendments. It's GBD's mix of amendments that he uses to make super soil. So I just dump that into a bag of my roots organics stir it up really well then layer that in the bottom half of my pot with regular unamended soil on the top half. It's a water only mix so you don't have to use any nutrients. Or you can just mix it batch by batch one pot at a time if you prefer. I've seen all of the great results with it and I had to get it. You've seen all of the problems I've had with different soil and different nutrients I'm getting tired of battling issues and deficiencies and this seems like a no brainier for simplicity. Here's a link to it with the ingredients listed in the description. I'm using roots organics because that's what he uses so I figure I would follow what he does exactly but you can use it in your potters gold to I'm sure. And on top of everything it's a lot cheaper than buying all of those amendments separately and a lot more convenient then measuring and mixing all of those amendments separately. I plan on using it with my next plants so you'll be able to see the results shortly!
It's not really soil it's like a bag of amendments. It's GBD's mix of amendments that he uses to make super soil. So I just dump that into a bag of my roots organics stir it up really well then layer that in the bottom half of my pot with regular unamended soil on the top half. It's a water only mix so you don't have to use any nutrients. Or you can just mix it batch by batch one pot at a time if you prefer. I've seen all of the great results with it and I had to get it. You've seen all of the problems I've had with different soil and different nutrients I'm getting tired of battling issues and deficiencies and this seems like a no brainier for simplicity. Here's a link to it with the ingredients listed in the description. I'm using roots organics because that's what he uses so I figure I would follow what he does exactly but you can use it in your potters gold to I'm sure. And on top of everything it's a lot cheaper than buying all of those amendments separately and a lot more convenient then measuring and mixing all of those amendments separately. I plan on using it with my next plants so you'll be able to see the results shortly!
Cool, I once contacted him about that but we never followed through with it.
The ingredients look like subcools super soil mix. Pretty common mix and you should be able to get most of the ingredients locally if you guys wanna try super soils.

But definitely convenient to have all in one kit. The new vendor Kind soil sells a super soil(but it's about $15 per gallon of soil) Build a soil sells ingredients and a kit for Coots recipe water only(and a couple other kit soil), (under $3/g even if you have worm castings shipped)
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The ingredients look like subcools super soil mix. Pretty common mix and you should be able to get most of the ingredients locally if you guys wanna try super soils.

But definitely convenient to have all in one kit. The new vendor Kind soil sells a super soil(but it's about $15 per gallon of soil) Build a soil sells ingredients and a kit for Coots recipe water only(and a couple other kit soil), (under $3/g even if you have worm castings shipped)
I've been following the Kindsoil threads a little. I'd like to try gbd's sometime just to see how I'd like it. I'm pretty happy with the soil and nutes I use and the results I get. gbd grows some very nice plants.
Yeah I thought about the kind soil and then changed my mind. Not only does this do a whole 1.5 cubic feet for nearly the same price as theirs but it's also supporting a forum member and I got free seeds with it on top of that. That not to say that I wont try kind soil I probably will at some point. I've just always liked GBD's results and have always been interested in super soil. This is a super easy way for me to have it all in one package. If I really wanted to build my own super soil I'd have to order a lot of it off of amazon and then spend time dialing it in and fixing the measurements. Im too lazy for all of that :smoking: build a soil has a lot of cool ingredients though that I will be ordering in the future.
Definitely gonna add it to my list to try once it's stocked. Trying to find the best soil myself, whether it be from a kit or mixes myself. Tested my own mix on the flower pots outside first though lol.
Yeah I thought about the kind soil and then changed my mind. Not only does this do a whole 1.5 cubic feet for nearly the same price as theirs but it's also supporting a forum member and I got free seeds with it on top of that. That not to say that I wont try kind soil I probably will at some point. I've just always liked GBD's results and have always been interested in super soil. This is a super easy way for me to have it all in one package. If I really wanted to build my own super soil I'd have to order a lot of it off of amazon and then spend time dialing it in and fixing the measurements. Im too lazy for all of that :smoking: build a soil has a lot of cool ingredients though that I will be ordering in the future.
I'll be watching your grows. Sounds like a good program. Back when I was looking into it I think gbd wound up going to Spain for awhile and I put it on the back burner. I'll probably be shutting down for the summer so I'll get some ordered for september.
I usually do hang it up for the summer the heat is crazy and the bugs decide to come out. But I'm going to atleast get one in with this mix before I call it quits for a couple of months.
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