Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Odd to see such a difference in germination. My first round of Mephisto, I was 4/4..second round went 3/4. A few weeks ago I went 0/6 and now have 6 more going so well see where we end up. I'm using the toilet paper in dvd method as recommended.

During the same time frame as those I also did strains from Nirvana, Seedsman, Royal Queen, Barneys Farm, and Fast germ/seedling rate's at 95-100%
Odd to see such a difference in germination. My first round of Mephisto, I was 4/4..second round went 3/4. A few weeks ago I went 0/6 and now have 6 more going so well see where we end up. I'm using the toilet paper in dvd method as recommended.

During the same time frame as those I also did strains from Nirvana, Seedsman, Royal Queen, Barneys Farm, and Fast germ/seedling rate's at 95-100%
It happens. And why are you using toilet paper? Why not paper towel?
Hi just wondering if any one has had trouble germinating the sour livers x 3bog, both of my 2 free seeds failed to germinate, I put them in moist paper towel and in a dvd case wrapped in a t shirt on a heat mat set to 20°c. They both cracked but only put out a 2mm root and never grew any more
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Hi just wondering if any one has had trouble germinating the sour livers x 3bog, both of my 2 free seeds failed to germinate, I put them in moist paper towel and in a dvd case wrapped in a t shirt on a heat mat set to 20°c. They both cracked but only put out a 2mm root and never grew any more

20C are a bit low .. I would raise it to 26C.

Good luck!
I have yet to see Sour Crack to grow before my eyes! Just a quick update on my SC experience from the Canadian site. Last week I posted I could not get the two to germinate. But they did at day 7 and day 8. So in to the solo cups of coco along with my grapey walter x 2, GWK x 3, Sour Crinkle x2 and CDLCs x 3. I put them in the coco Thrs of last week basically. Same MO and treatment as all the other beans. Temp, moisture dome, primed coco, lots of love. Seedling heat mat. But nothing made it above ground unfortunately. I had a look at one and I found the bean with the tap root just below the coco, all intact, but she would not go.

Not going to speculate on why it happened or whatever. Just reporting findings from the field. I'll be trying two more SC again in 3 months or so once the current run is done and we'll see what happens then. In the meantime I have 10 nice Mephisto seedlings right now so I have my hands full as it is.
I can tell everyone my Own personal experience with Sour Crack. Not sure how the seed batches/stock lines up...But I literally just started 4 Sour Crack seeds and have 4/4 growing. My Seeds are from 2017 Black Friday sale. So, they are pretty old. They did take longer to pop by a day and I UPPED my temps by shutting my exhaust fan off in my seedling tent. With normal germ times and temps I usually see a cracked shell with or without a tail within 24 hrs in straight RO water. I plant them after a 24hr soak. They did not crack open in 24 hrs. But I planted them. They were all above ground 2-3 days later. BUT, I can say without raising my temps...I very well could have failed. A FEW degrees this time of year at the most FRAGILE state of a plants life is a huge deal. Some seeds have harder shells or need warmer temps. Possibly a scuff if you are having issues. Looks like some are possibly planting too deep or covering the seed too much as well. Minor things can make a difference. Good luck
When it comes to germing seeds, my go to move is adding a few drops of h202 (hydrogen peroxide) to my ro water. It's never failed me. If the seeds don't germ with the use of h202, I consider it a bad seed. If you haven't researched the benefits of h202 in germination, I recommend looking into it. The h202 will disinfect the seed shell (super important), soften the seed shell so the tap root doesn't have to work so hard to get out, and probably most importantly, it oxygenates the water, so the seed can "breathe" and grow easily. There have been many studies and papers written on its use/benefits. Who knows how many naked hands touched that seed before we go to germ it. Also keep in mind that bathroom tissue and many paper towels infuse fragrances and other chemicals into their products. Once the seeds are wrapped in that damp material, they come in direct contact with, and absorb those chemicals. Not good. here are a million variables when it comes to germing seeds. Just remember try to give your seed the cleanest/most sterile/purest germ environment possible. I don't trust any paper towel/napkin/tissue. I trust oxygenated ro water, and spot on temps. And I never pick up or touch the seeds with my bare hands. Mephistos germ tech is awesome. But it's what works for THEM, in THEIR environment. Putting a seed in a paper towel, then into a DVD case, then wrapping it in a shirt may create perfect germ conditions, where they are. Doing the same in your environment could be 5 degrees to hot. You have to find what works best for you and your environment. Hope this helps someone a little.
Germ for me is place seeds in root riot and place root riot in final pot. Water it and place a clear plastic cup over it. I water it once per day and on day 3 I have a sprout. Simple
I am doing another germ tests on the Sour Crack guys, specifically the ones in Canada. Hang tight for me.

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I have to say I got some of these as freebies and only had 1 out of 3 get to seedling. Not had a problem with the 100's of others so thought it was just me. I'm UK based
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