Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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And that's messed up of your friend not to help you out since you paid for it...not cool
And that's messed up of your friend not to help you out since you paid for it...not cool

Once I Explained the situation to him a couple minutes ago, he told me to keep them. So now we're both a little bent out of shape over it. Honeymoon was fucking short. So he feels fucked out of the free seeds. I just feel fucked.
Glad it worked out great for you. I was dumb enough to urge a friend to place an EXTRA order to take advantage of the skywalker special. He didn't have the funds so I placed the order for him and paid for it. He got his all the extras, the 10 Skyler white freebies and he also got 5 skysenberg special.

They shipped BOTH the orders I placed together but only 5 skysenbergs for the SHIPMENT. so my buddy figured I must have been trying to cheat him since I didn't mention the 5 skysenberg specials. Figured I'd like to grow a few of them, too.

Nah. Fuck me. I get zero skysenberg specials, and a good reminder that volunteering to do people favors always gets you fucked.

My buddy gets ten free seeds. Mephisto got an extra 18 pack order. I just get to pay double shipping (and more on a net cost per seed), a love note from Daz telling me I should be happily with my Skyler whites because the skysenbergs weren't mentioned and a lot of resolve to quit trying to help people out.

Doing favors is for suckers.

I've spoken to daz trying to get things straight about what happened.

Firstly, I'd just like to ask how many freebies you go in total?

It should have been 2 lots of 10 skylar whites for 20 skylar whites in total.

As in the promo, 2 orders over $100 would equate to 20 freebie seeds.

I also requested that you were thrown in an extra 5 seeds of sour stomper X skywalker,

5 free seeds should more than equate to $10 on shipping costs.

So in total you should have had 25 freebie seeds (not including the extras per pack, on the normal strains)

Please let me know here how many seeds you received for the promo, please check inside the regular packs just incase extra vials were placed inside those.

Kind regards Mitch
I've spoken to daz trying to get things straight about what happened.

Firstly, I'd just like to ask how many freebies you go in total?

It should have been 2 lots of 10 skylar whites for 20 skylar whites in total.

As in the promo, 2 orders over $100 would equate to 20 freebie seeds.

I also requested that you were thrown in an extra 5 seeds of sour stomper X skywalker,

5 free seeds should more than equate to $10 on shipping costs.

So in total you should have had 25 freebie seeds (not including the extras per pack, on the normal strains)

Please let me know here how many seeds you received for the promo, please check inside the regular packs just incase extra vials were placed inside those.

Kind regards Mitch

I guess it all happened because I was stoked enough to tell
My buddy who JUST placed
A 50 seed order to place ANOTHER to take advantage of the SKYWALKER special.

I placed one for him since he was out of funds. Placed one for myself.

When they came in, I told him I got his 18 sour crack and 10 Skyler whites.

That's when he told me "what about the extras... There should be a part know extras. He got 5 skysenberg with his.

So it was my mistake for ordering for him and pushing for another order for you.

I told Daz to forget about it. My buddy said to just go ahead and keep them. The way it worked out, someone is going to feel screwed.

So, as they say in NYC, fuggetaboutit.

I know what my mistake was and I won't do that again. If I hadn't placed an extra order for my friend, this discussion wouldn't have happened. But I did. My bad.
I guess it all happened because I was stoked enough to tell
My buddy who JUST placed
A 50 seed order to place ANOTHER to take advantage of the SKYWALKER special.

I placed one for him since he was out of funds. Placed one for myself.

When they came in, I told him I got his 18 sour crack and 10 Skyler whites.

That's when he told me "what about the extras... There should be a part know extras. He got 5 skysenberg with his.

So it was my mistake for ordering for him and pushing for another order for you.

I told Daz to forget about it. My buddy said to just go ahead and keep them. The way it worked out, someone is going to feel screwed.

So, as they say in NYC, fuggetaboutit.

I know what my mistake was and I won't do that again. If I hadn't placed an extra order for my friend, this discussion wouldn't have happened. But I did. My bad.

From what I understand the events were:

Your friend placed his 50 seed order just before the skywalker promo. A couple of days before.

His order was packed and ready to ship with non-skywalker freebies, he asked if he could get in on the skywalker freebies, so his order wasn't send that day, it was opened and some skywalker freebies were thrown in too on top of other (pre-promo) freebies.

Similar with yours: it was packed and ready to be shipped, you placed a second order.
So I told our guy to re-open it and combine the shipping and throw in an extra 5 seeds on top of the freebies already included for both orders.
There was no indication that this order was for anyone else, same name and shipping address so to me it made sense, then we'd just have to give one tracking number and you're only waiting on one parcel.

Perhaps a mix up happened somewhere along the line during this, but I assure you we're not looking to diddle anyone out of the freebies they are due, or short anyone on shipping.

That's why above I ask what the total of freebies were that you received and if there were less than expected then we'll make it right.

Cheers Mitch
Mitch, let's just chalk it up to a bad day for me. I thought all was grand till I got the "what about the extras?" from my friend. This is just one of those days where the shit keeps piling up. Fuck it, I'm giving him the five extras and then you're happy and he's happy and the couple Valium I just took will help me out this all behind me.

I'll settle for what I ordered plus the ten Skyler whites. I'll just forget about the Skysenbergs. I've got plenty of other seeds to grow. It seemed like a damned nice thing to have got them. Easy come, easy go. Fuck it.

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Yeah I bet that would help you out he is the man
Mitch, let's just chalk it up to a bad day for me. I thought all was grand till I got the "what about the extras?" from my friend. This is just one of those days where the shit keeps piling up. Fuck it, I'm giving him the five extras and then you're happy and he's happy and the couple Valium I just took will help me out this all behind me.

I'll settle for what I ordered plus the ten Skyler whites. I'll just forget about the Skysenbergs. I've got plenty of other seeds to grow. It seemed like a damned nice thing to have got them. Easy come, easy go. Fuck it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well dude, I won't be happy until your happy.

But I'm still not clear on:

A) what you were missing
B) what extras you were expecting

As said above, in your friends order he got extra extras. That's not always typical but neither is a 50 seed order just on the cusp of a last minute promo. So I felt a bit bad although I knew he would have received a healthy amount of freebies anyway.

And like I said, I requested that in total for the two orders you placed that you'd receive 20 skylar whites and 5 sour stomper X skywalker.

But assumed all of those would be for you, I was unaware that one order was for you and another for your friend, but really how you guys divide up the freebies is not my concern,

My concern was you received the correct amount of freebies.

Thanks, Mitch
Well dude, I won't be happy until your happy.

But I'm still not clear on:

A) what you were missing
B) what extras you were expecting

As said above, in your friends order he got extra extras. That's not always typical but neither is a 50 seed order just on the cusp of a last minute promo. So I felt a bit bad although I knew he would have received a healthy amount of freebies anyway.

And like I said, I requested that in total for the two orders you placed that you'd receive 20 skylar whites and 5 sour stomper X skywalker.

But assumed all of those would be for you, I was unaware that one order was for you and another for your friend, but really how you guys divide up the freebies is not my concern,

My concern was you received the correct amount of freebies.

Thanks, Mitch

And your concerns were met so you are right. I won't trouble you more with this it was just awkward and I got stuck in the middle. It happens all too often and maybe this lesson will stick.

I'm happy with your quality. I'm
Happy with your prices. I'm happy with everything except the way this worked out but I know if I just mind my own business, keep my mouth shut and place orders one at a time for myself spaced out far enough that we won't have these problems. No worries, it'll be fine. Just a bitch about those skysenbergs. They sounded like they'd have been a neat strain to try. Too bad it was a one shot deal. :(

If I would have known he could get the skywalkers on his first order, I wouldn't have suggested so strongly he need another to get those skywalkers. And then all would have been hunky dory.

I guess I just feel like I went above and beyond to get you an extra order and to get my buddy a good deal on some sativa doms that he likes so much. And because of the personalities involved it was a clusterfuck over nothing.

Thanks for the explanation.
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