Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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You know me, I'm not one to speak for other people, but since you're throwing it out there I can absolutely testify to the level of exhaustion that you battle. It's a noon to 3am grind for a few pairs of hands to run an entire business from soil to website. I don't think I need to break down the intricacies of growing and the steps it takes to the people here, but to do it on the level that you do, with the skill that you do... Its astounding. You deserve a break. Merry Mephistmas and a happy new year!

Ps- thanks for the seeds!

I'd like to thank everyone @mephisto for the awesome Mephistmas card.
mephistmas card.JPG

A black holiday card is Bad Ass!:d5:
Unfortunately my secret Santa seeds didn't make it intact:shrug:(damned postal workers..)
But that's all good.:thumbsup:
Definitely the thought that counts.

It's actions like these that elevate some companies above the rest.
You've got a customer for life here fellas.

Here's to the cream rising to the top:cheers:
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You know me, I'm not one to speak for other people, but since you're throwing it out there I can absolutely testify to the level of exhaustion that you battle. It's a noon to 3am grind for a few pairs of hands to run an entire business from soil to website. I don't think I need to break down the intricacies of growing and the steps it takes to the people here, but to do it on the level that you do, with the skill that you do... Its astounding. You deserve a break. Merry Mephistmas and a happy new year!

Ps- thanks for the seeds!


Any chance you know what they have going for January freebies with orders? I'm getting 3, 3 packs of 3 different strains in the morning. Sour blues. Toofless alien and Tyrone special. Pretty excited for all three!
Ordering took about 5 min very easy, all emails were answered immediately.only hard part is remembering what seeds i ordered.only ordered 2 went back in cataloge to read about n was like sour crack or sour hound etc....all look so good n tasty you want them all then you order acouple nim like wtf did i get.well in a few days i guess il be in for a treat n a surprise.
It's really been non-stop all year! I can't really express how exhausted we are, maybe gbd can testify to that too!
I've floated the idea of an east coast to west coast tour for 2016 but we'll have to see. Would be amazing if we could, but there's a huge list of things to sort out beforehand.

Heartfelt thanks going out to all our afn amigos, have a great 2016. Love Mitch

Let us know when you're coming to Alaska, the fishing is best from June - September depending on what species of salmon you want to target. Rainbow trout are best August till the rivers freeze. I am sure a lot of us up north would love a visit from the Mephisto clan :bighug:
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