Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Ummm ... not sure where to post this, so I guess this is as good as any ...

Firstly ... a BIG PUBLIC THANK YOU to Mitch and the @mephisto team.

My Mephisto seeds landed today.
Can't truly describe how receiving something through the Spanish postal system can make you feel.
It's pseudo-orgasmic, with a healthy dose of euphoric relief, and a pinch of open-mouthed disbelief.

Anyway ... also a BIG PUBLIC THANK YOU to Mitch and @mephisto again, for the freebies within.

Now ... my 'stupid' question.
I've looked through the forum, but I can't seem to find any information on the freebies strain.

SODK x Ripleys

Can anyone shed some light on this strain for me?
What can I expect?
Any specific preferences when they're in the ground?
Are they easy for an auto-newbie?
Or better left until there are a few more grows under the belt?

Would really appreciate ANY feedback/comments!
Check my Medics Mephisto Testlab Thread there is a fully Report of the 2 so far Known Phenos of it. This Strain is easy to Grow but on one Pheno the Foxtailing Orange Goodness you need to be Patient mine went almost 90 days but Yielded above Average in only a 6 Liter Pot.
Sodk x RIpleys Day 83 (1).JPG
Try searching the forum for sodk x alien it's the same strain and that seems to be what everybody calls it here. There's quite a few people who have grown it and I believe ronin has one going now

Ah, OK ... yes, I saw this thread.
Wasn't aware it was the same strain.

THANKS! :pighug:
Check my Medics Mephisto Testlab Thread there is a fully Report of the 2 so far Known Phenos of it. This Strain is easy to Grow but on one Pheno the Foxtailing Orange Goodness you need to be Patient mine went almost 90 days but Yielded above Average in only a 6 Liter Pot. View attachment 483098


Thank you.
Glad to be of service!
Yes sorry that's my bad, sometimes I label them as sodk x alien (as written on the bag of stock, before we'd named the auto alien OG)
All the best with them :)
I placed an order last tuesday and received it safe and sound today. 7 days from Spain to US including holiday weekend. As always, very generous with the freebies too. Thank you to Mitch and the crew. :worship:
7 days from Spain to US including holiday weekend.

We know how fast Mitch answers messages. He put on his Superman suit and flew around the world.
Dropped off your beans and still had time to have a Labor Day beer and hot dog
beer and hot dogs.jpg
before flying back to Spain for a soiree with some hot raven hair Spanish babe
spanish babe.jpg
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