Yeah my Bluetoof really works for the pain and that’s indica that’s why the indica kick. Sativas work too Just for the day and not as well and not good for night. I got a 10 pack of sour crinkle and have one going now she should be 80-90% indica. 3BOG going supposed to be 70% indica. Cosmic queen for my Sativa. I’ve also read someone thought the northern cheese haze was very good for pain. 50/50 ind/sat. Also a Stilton special at 50/50 and a cousin to NCH hopefully good day time in moderation and good night over medicating lol.Mizzo, ironic your looking at 24c and SC, been eye balling those lately too. I don't have any hard core indicas in the bean drawer yet, although the new SS is fine looking window candy too. Wonder if there is some subliminal advertising
going on for the 24c and SC right now? Lol