Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Some bluetoof close ups.
Mizz, you have a journal going on this? NICE
No journal. She was grown out of excitement. I had an unplanned 5+ month grow finish on 12/12. I had my first order of Mephisto beans show and I had to start one of them. Knowing I had limited space I started a blue toof. I have another one going and she’s gonna be bigger.
Looks like a frosty Girl. I was hoping to find a journal or adult pics of her, just buried one in soil with a tail tonight.
Mines gotta be close to being ready to go. She’s just about at day 70 and leaning over. Only had one 55w autocob 12 hrs first 40+ days. Day 6 I found her on her side. I propped her up and within a day or two she was back off and growing. She dealt with some warm temps up to around 100deg I fed her my normal feed for autos but didn’t take into account she only had 12 hrs of light so she had some N tox. We worked through that and kept the feeds on the lighter side till I got her up to 24 hrs of light now. Been on only water for about 8 days now. She’s fading but I hope she ambers up.
I’m probably only gonna get about 15 grams from her. Conditions weren’t optimal I just had to start my first Mephisto bean
I totally understand. That's kinda why I dropped my Grape Crinkle in the midst of grow already giving me hell, a seed from my first Mephisto order! She fell into the same problems my Noob butt caused on the others. She pulled through to become a petite frosty little Girl, not much in yield but Ooh so good. I'm excited to here how she smokes out for ya! Sorry to here about the problems though.
Yeah her sisters looking like she’ll produce much more. Her conditions have been much better lol. She’s around day 28 I think. And already wider. I’ve never gotten N tox before I usually feed prettty light. But with 7 hrs less I guess wasn’t enough light to process what I was giving her. I’ll post some pics of her tomorrow. Both girls.
I know that I wouldn't have thought to go extra light on nutes to begin with, but sounds like her little sister is gonna show you some proper genetics. Pics would be cool Mizzo, thanks. :cools:
Here’s a few pics @stedimed cut the top and a few others she was fallin over even pulling her support over. She smells unbelievable. Still funky sweet cheese with a hint of garlic. But the sweetest smelling pot I’ve ever grown or bought. I can’t wait for a cured sample. Bluetoof. My first Mephisto bean. Right up there with the frostiest I’ve grown photo or auto. By far the best smelling weed it smells like being in a candy store with some aged cheese.
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