Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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The thing is it's not the most difficult work. But it's vitally important, the smoother a transaction can be the better.

We don't have pre-packaged stock like what we would send to a distributor or shop for example so every order is made up as a custom one, so it isn't just a case of dropping packs in an envelope and off it goes.

And of course every now and again there will be a problem with something but I'd rather it was the vast minority and not a perpetual problem.

Cheers Mitch
The thing is it's not the most difficult work. But it's vitally important, the smoother a transaction can be the better.

We don't have pre-packaged stock like what we would send to a distributor or shop for example so every order is made up as a custom one, so it isn't just a case of dropping packs in an envelope and off it goes.

And of course every now and again there will be a problem with something but I'd rather it was the vast minority and not a perpetual problem.

Cheers Mitch

for sure i know what you mean, if it can be streamlined and work with no issues then it would be perfect...but in a real world (again might just be my relaxed view) its a natural product and it wont ever work like a big corporate company...the the fact its all hand sorted and posted means you cant just prepare 50 orders in advance in the hopes someone will buy them, you need to look at each individual order one by one, that will take time...even 20-30 orders could take a day or two to sort out...and also that depends on how quick people pay after receiving their invoice/payment info yes there is always the time issue but i dont think anyone is that bothered over a couple/few weeks wait....especially when the quality of product they receive is 100 times better than most others!
Hey coolbunny,
And anyone affected of late,

Unfortunately we've had issues at both ends of the order dept. bill was out of commission for a couple of days - which has a knock on effect, but he's back in business now.

The Spain to U.K. Post has also been deathly slow around the 420 order period, I'm not sure if there's anyone still waiting on those specifically - but these all were shipped several weeks ago, so at the mercy of the postal systems

However if by the end of the week you're still empty handed I'll make sure they are re-shipped, at no cost to you guys obviously.

Worse still, with bill back in commission, our US shipper has had a bunch of problems to deal with that put him out of commission for almost a week.

I appreciate that's not your guys concern or problem, you've paid your hard earned money and put your faith in Mephisto and you deserve good service but I just want to assure everyone that you will be sorted out one way or another.

This is a big point of stress for me too, as essentially I'm now removed from the ordering process as I have my hands in plants from dusk 'til dawn and otherwise doing my best to organize everything else. So I have to trust these guys to do their work and be professional about it. Long story short I've said if they don't get their acts together sharpish it's going to force a restructure of the company and that's not going to be in anyone's interests. But I worked long and hard to create a good reputation putting service and customers first and it doesn't take but a few weeks to undermine those years that I put in.

Kind regards, and apologies from the heart.
In no way, shape, or form do these little mishaps tarnish your companies reputation, or your own for that matter. At least from my perspective, we've got an extraordinary amount of respect for what you guys do, and we all understand how deeply you guys genuinely care about what you're doing, as well as how much you care for your customers. Keep up the great work man, you guys are awesome! I'm sure everything will sort itself out soon enough.
Hey coolbunny,
And anyone affected of late,

Unfortunately we've had issues at both ends of the order dept. bill was out of commission for a couple of days - which has a knock on effect, but he's back in business now.

The Spain to U.K. Post has also been deathly slow around the 420 order period, I'm not sure if there's anyone still waiting on those specifically - but these all were shipped several weeks ago, so at the mercy of the postal systems

However if by the end of the week you're still empty handed I'll make sure they are re-shipped, at no cost to you guys obviously.

Worse still, with bill back in commission, our US shipper has had a bunch of problems to deal with that put him out of commission for almost a week.

I appreciate that's not your guys concern or problem, you've paid your hard earned money and put your faith in Mephisto and you deserve good service but I just want to assure everyone that you will be sorted out one way or another.

This is a big point of stress for me too, as essentially I'm now removed from the ordering process as I have my hands in plants from dusk 'til dawn and otherwise doing my best to organize everything else. So I have to trust these guys to do their work and be professional about it. Long story short I've said if they don't get their acts together sharpish it's going to force a restructure of the company and that's not going to be in anyone's interests. But I worked long and hard to create a good reputation putting service and customers first and it doesn't take but a few weeks to undermine those years that I put in.

Kind regards, and apologies from the heart.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd this is why we love Mitch and @mephisto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need someone in Colorado you know I got cha : )
Same offer here if you ever need someone in Massachusetts, located right outside of Boston! @mephisto

Let the onslaught of I wanna work for Mephisto posts begin lol [HASHTAG]#iwannaworkformitch[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#mephistoemployee[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#icanshipbeans[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#hereismyresume[/HASHTAG] hahahahahhahaha. Really though don't stress Mitch we love you and we are never going anywhere [HASHTAG]#mephheadsforlife[/HASHTAG]
Its kind of the Franklins BBQ phenomenon(which for those that don't know is literally the best bbq in the world and is in Austin Tx) where you must, no matter what, stand in line for approx. 3 hours to get your food. There is a line every single day, they run out of bbq in 3 hours every single day of the year. IF there was a 5 hour wait there would still be a line around the block, you see when you have the best of something people will subject themselves to lots of punishment. You guys don't even make us stand in line per se, you cater to our every need and user is in with open arms, white gloves and a pleasant and attentive demeanor. So for the folks who may have experienced a delay, we all promise if you grow the beans you will never want to grow anything else again and you would happily wait on top of your house for weeks on end on one foot to get a chance to grow these magic beans again [HASHTAG]#facts[/HASHTAG]!
Let the onslaught of I wanna work for Mephisto posts begin lol [HASHTAG]#iwannaworkformitch[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#mephistoemployee[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#icanshipbeans[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#hereismyresume[/HASHTAG] hahahahahhahaha. Really though don't stress Mitch we love you and we are never going anywhere [HASHTAG]#mephheadsforlife[/HASHTAG]
A man can dream, can he not?!? [HASHTAG]#HireMe[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#FiestaySiesta[/HASHTAG] on weekends
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