Lol it would probably do best to not tell people a time and just say a date to help the servers out.. people seem to NEED to order as soon as the store opens.. i understand people work or whatever, not poking at anyone.. I know you talked about a subscription and that's awesome for some people, I would go for it myself but how about just a simple pre order for people who cant commit to more than one order? I understand you don't have all of the strain discounts worked out but you probably at least know what you're doing with the new releases, you can just do a pre order on the artisanal and give an option to withhold the order to add new stuff on the sale day or send it after the sale has gone live.
I know the canada sale wont be as bad on the servers because were just canada as opposed to the whole world trying to get on your site, just thoughts.. I see lots of other banks doing pre sales