New Grower Mephisto fall grow bonanza

It took them a bit before they had their tap root bottom out and start growing above ground and they certainly look not as far along as other grows I have seen with the same strains at the same day, but catching up quickly. So hopefully the 3bog gets her act together here soon! She certainly has kept up with the meph wedding and hasn't appeared to been hurt with her water
Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it. It looks great and mine was similar and turned out awesome. Might even get the watermelon pheno :eyebrows:
I checked soil ph just before lights out and it is 7.14ph average on all 4 bags. I am thinking this could be 3bog's issue. I adjust all my spring water to 6.2 - 6.3 ph for watering. I have no idea how the soil has become a bit alkaline.
Any suggestions on dropping the ph of the soil?
I checked soil ph just before lights out and it is 7.14ph average on all 4 bags. I am thinking this could be 3bog's issue. I adjust all my spring water to 6.2 - 6.3 ph for watering. I have no idea how the soil has become a bit alkaline.
Any suggestions on dropping the ph of the soil?
What is the EC of the spring water you are using? 0.2 EC or 100 ppm Hanna is usually a good target for peat or soil. Even those levels could start to drive up the PH if the medium already has a calmag charge. If it has more calmag and other minerals than the plants are using then it will start to drive up the PH of the soil as the minerals build up. If this is the cause then it can be solved by either lowering the EC of your base water or increasing fertigation. I try to minimize the use of ph up and down products, so I am always looking for other ways to adjust PH.
I checked soil ph just before lights out and it is 7.14ph average on all 4 bags. I am thinking this could be 3bog's issue. I adjust all my spring water to 6.2 - 6.3 ph for watering. I have no idea how the soil has become a bit alkaline.
Any suggestions on dropping the ph of the soil?
Overall biological activity is conducive to a more acidic trend. Just make some good quality compost tea. You could add a ferment after or before brewing.

You could also mix up some RECHARGE and a tablespoon of molasses per gallon. that will lower the pH of the water and give a good charge.
Either would work. What do ya have in stock?
I have put Yucca in the water, and it is around 100ppm Hanna. The soil is 1 part coco, 1 part peat, 1 part compost/humus, 1 part earthworm castings, and 2 parts perlite and 5lbs of NLS autoflower concentrate.

I am going to try some distilled water the next few waterings and see where that takes things.
Overall biological activity is conducive to a more acidic trend. Just make some good quality compost tea. You could add a ferment after or before brewing. You could also mix up some RECHARGE and a tablespoon of molasses per gallon. that will lower the pH of the water and give a good charge.
Either would work. What do ya have in stock?
I have Recharge and black strap molasses, I will mix that with the next watering, which will be distilled water, thnx!
I have Recharge and black strap molasses, I will mix that with the next watering, which will be distilled water, thnx!
Don't use distilled. Ph is not far off what you have, unless ya let it sit out, and no 'good' minerals that you may need.
Don't use distilled. Ph is not far off what you have, unless ya let it sit out, and no 'good' minerals that you may need.
Copy! If I use distilled I always leave it in a bucket for at least 24 hours before I use it.
Here they are on day 33, the 3bog(bottom left) simply exploded with growth the past few days, 4 different strains that are unique in appearance.