Grow Mediums Mephisto dwc grow deep blue c, sour bubbly, sodk, and walter white x sour stomper

Jun 16, 2016
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Hi guys first time poster on afn. Excited to post my grow and see what you guys think. Any and all suggestions are very welcomed. So I've got a 5 bucket dwc hydro grow going in my 4.5x4.5x8ft tall closet. I'm currently growing one deep blue c one sour bubbly one sodk and three walter white x sour stomper. I'm around 38 days in right now. They seemed to have vegged longer then I thought they would. They didn't start flowering until around day 26-28 im not sure if this is typical for these strains or not. I'm using gh flora line I have grow,bloom,micro and for additives I have the liquid koolbloom flora blend vegan compost tea and flora nectar sugar cane. I keep pH around 5.8-6.0 I am battling the summer heat right now and with a 600w HP's that's easier said then done but I try not to let it get above 82 I do have an AC that I turn on if it gets to hot. Sorry for the long winded post but just wanted to give some basic info. Now I'll try to post pics from when I started the plants to where they are now.thanks for any info.
Here is a pic of them today day 39 I can only figure out how to post pics from my phone that I take right now can't get them from my gallery I wanted to show there progression maybe I can figure it out but for now it's gotta be current pics. 1468585412825-4700667.jpg family pic.
1468585564109-2135718898.jpg deep blue c leef tips are curling I think due to heat
14685857028951605183945.jpg sour bubbly
1468585797946697857669.jpg sodk
14685859333541816608737.jpg walter white x sour stomper
1468586054255885394361.jpg another w.w x s.s
14685861320881040428809.jpg and this is also a walter white x sour stomper but it's about ten days behind the other plants but it still started flowering the same time as the others but the others all seemed to flower late to me.
1468586479045-1596873172.jpg 1468586604969-1260690222.jpg 1468586674846-136010680.jpg 1468586754473-1804094415.jpg just some bud pics the last pic is from the one that is about ten days behind also trying some lst on that one
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Yea I think it is. I've already had a a great time watching them turn into what they are now
Always amazes me to see a plant grow
Hey Sq

Looks like you've done good so far! I used to do dwc, but switched to Coco because of the heat issue.

I didn't see any where that you're using anything to help protect your roots from high temps. Real important in the summer. Many people use 30% food grade h2o2, I use sm90 and there are other brands and types like res clear. You should get something ASAP. It also doesn't hurt to have some half litre water bottles in the freezer for extra hot days, just drop one in each bucket. For future grows look into silica in your nutrient line.

I like the liquid koolbloom up until about the last 10 days of flower and then I switch to the dry koolbloom for 7 days and then a three day flush. I think the three-day flush is all your really need with General Hydroponics Flora series.

If you go with SM 90 go with 2 mil per gallon. It will protect the res from buildup of anaerobic bacteria a big threat during hot Temps. It will also help the plant uptake nutrients better. You'll find all your plants look better within two or three days of beginning it. It's also a good wetting agent and can be used as a foliar feed. It will stop powdery mildew if caught early and sprayed directly on the leaves in a dilute solution. They actually used to call it spider mite 90 because it is a bit of an insecticide. Anyway I guess I promoted that enough for now.

Hope you don't mind all the advice I think I'll sub up if that's okay?
Hey thanks for the reply. Yes please sub up I'll take all the advice I can get. I haven't been running anything in my rez's I wasn't sure if the flora blend vegan compost tea had any bacteria in it so I didn't want to sterilize if I didn't have to. But if u know if it won't effect that at all then I deff will sterilize I have plenty of h202. The other reason I haven't is because even though I don't have the ability to temp my rez water feel fairly cool to the touch. I have my buckets taped up with reflective tape quite well.Unfortunately running on a low budget so I can't buy all the meters and stuff like I would like to. My roots seem to be doing well nice and white tons of new growth everyday. They get dark after a rez change but I'm chalking that up to nute stain. Again thanks for the reply great advice. Here's a root pick for you soon I don't think I will be able to fit them out of net pot hole in my lid.1468597312989-444381499.jpg
Roots look good, maybe your on a concrete floor? That really helps. I don't know about the vegan tea, usually when I see someone using the trio they don't use bennies. I think they feel there's no real food for bennies idk.

Just starting to get hot in my area, hope your already there in your area. Since you're plants are doing well!
Yea the vegan tea is an additive that's apart of the flora line it probably doesn't have Bennie's in it but I wasn't sure but I haven't seem to have any issues with my root zone yet and hopefully I don't. I'm on the mid coast of Maine it's in the mid 80's right now. It shouldn't get to much hotter hopefully. The only thing that is saving me right now is the AC in the room the closest is in. If it wasn't for that I would be waaaaay over temp right now.
Plants look good!!! I'm going to sub up for the rest of this one....I'm interested to see how that many do in that space when they're at their biggest. I'm currently running the same type of set up...but I was kind of afraid to fill it out with that many plants!!!:smoking:

I'm also battling the heat here in Maine...the frozen water bottle trick works well!!:headbang:

By the way...what size air pumps are you running??