Indoor Mephisto & AutoPots

Sounds like a pretty well rounded set of skills and work experience, why don't you just start your own operation altogether? Start your own school while you are down for a few, maybe a cell phone app ha ha... I guess maybe health isn't helping with that, sorry to hear, hopefully you get back up and going ASAP! And hands on entomology huh? What's your favorite insect and it's corresponding Latin name then? You are right, geeky Latin is pretty hot!

HA I should "Do what I say, not what I do" :smoking: I try and look at the Infirmary section to help people out with that.
I went to regular old college for horticulture, I need to finish 4th year to get my undergrad still. They now have cannabis courses at that college but it's online and expensive. Since I have worked in retail horticulture and landscaping, I got more out of being in school and going for a degree. Hands on botany, entomology etc. courses. I can speak Latin, sort of, it's sexy :eyebrows: :crying:Propagation, cloning, tissue culture on and on. I think it's way more rounded than the cannabis courses, but those courses will get you in the door at an LP. I had no desire to get into production cannabis until a perfect job offer landed in my lap so that's where I'm at now (on sabbatical currently for some health issues but I hope I can get back to work soon, it's an awesome place as far as LP's go).
Sounds like a pretty well rounded set of skills and work experience, why don't you just start your own operation altogether? Start your own school while you are down for a few, maybe a cell phone app ha ha... I guess maybe health isn't helping with that, sorry to hear, hopefully you get back up and going ASAP! And hands on entomology huh? What's your favorite insect and it's corresponding Latin name then? You are right, geeky Latin is pretty hot!

Thanks, I'd love to, but the cost can be prohibitive; however, there are collectives starting up and I'm looking into that. One of the grow stores wants me to teach classes so they are going to get back to me on that; there are a lot of options and I look at them, because I tend to get bored and jump from job to job looking for something challenging. My own gig would keep me beyond challenged!!

I love entomology, in another life I would have been an entomologist, and our professor was a blast; he was very pro-cannabis :smoking:
My lab partner and I managed to identify a microscopic male nematode in the lab, you can guess how! (If anyone tells you you're hung like a nematode, say thanks) :funny:
My favorite arthropods are the beneficial ones, the predatory spider mite Phytoseiulus persimilis helped me eradicate two-spotted spider mites from my veg tent. I've never used mealy bug destroyer, but they look like giant mealy bugs when they are larvae, so Cryptolaemus montrouzieri are another one I think are cool. I also own a Grammostola pulchripes and a Poecilotheria metallica, both juveniles I raised from tiny 'slings.

Thanks btw, I'm doing what I can to get better, and trying a new treatment for the chronic migraines so fingers crossed!
I get bored fast too, I hear you there. Learn it all in like 45 minutes and look for what's next, then there isn't anything so it's time for something different. Story of my life. Except with dirt bike parts, and cannabis has been intriguing to say the least. See, you need to be self employed! Live up to your own standards, lots of people need to be more that way.

Are the Cryptolaemus montrouzieri related to ladybugs? Never heard of a ladybird, but they look really similar. So far I have only had one spider in my tent eating an occasional ant. Probably will subside once winter is over. And speaking of spiders, those tarantulas are rad. Are they friendly? My favorite bugs are more along these lines Hexagenia limbata they probably put those nematodes to shame.

Good luck with the migraines, I always smoked Haze type sativas to open my mind, in thought that it would relieve the pressure of a migraine with opening the blood flow, instead of locking a person down into the couch and restricting things. Best cure I found for them though, kicked her out and they went away overnight. :smoking:

Thanks, I'd love to, but the cost can be prohibitive; however, there are collectives starting up and I'm looking into that. One of the grow stores wants me to teach classes so they are going to get back to me on that; there are a lot of options and I look at them, because I tend to get bored and jump from job to job looking for something challenging. My own gig would keep me beyond challenged!!

I love entomology, in another life I would have been an entomologist, and our professor was a blast; he was very pro-cannabis :smoking:
My lab partner and I managed to identify a microscopic male nematode in the lab, you can guess how! (If anyone tells you you're hung like a nematode, say thanks) :funny:
My favorite arthropods are the beneficial ones, the predatory spider mite Phytoseiulus persimilis helped me eradicate two-spotted spider mites from my veg tent. I've never used mealy bug destroyer, but they look like giant mealy bugs when they are larvae, so Cryptolaemus montrouzieri are another one I think are cool. I also own a Grammostola pulchripes and a Poecilotheria metallica, both juveniles I raised from tiny 'slings.

Thanks btw, I'm doing what I can to get better, and trying a new treatment for the chronic migraines so fingers crossed!
Gonna pull up a rock and have a seat if you don't mind @RivetGrrl:pop:

Never mind the rock, should be comfy cushions but I need a hookah pipe for ya'll :pass:

I get bored fast too, I hear you there. Learn it all in like 45 minutes and look for what's next, then there isn't anything so it's time for something different. Story of my life. Except with dirt bike parts, and cannabis has been intriguing to say the least. See, you need to be self employed! Live up to your own standards, lots of people need to be more that way.

Are the Cryptolaemus montrouzieri related to ladybugs? Never heard of a ladybird, but they look really similar. So far I have only had one spider in my tent eating an occasional ant. Probably will subside once winter is over. And speaking of spiders, those tarantulas are rad. Are they friendly? My favorite bugs are more along these lines Hexagenia limbata they probably put those nematodes to shame.

Good luck with the migraines, I always smoked Haze type sativas to open my mind, in thought that it would relieve the pressure of a migraine with opening the blood flow, instead of locking a person down into the couch and restricting things. Best cure I found for them though, kicked her out and they went away overnight. :smoking:

Good to know, I don't smoke a lot of sativas as I get bad anxiety in general, and I need to relax as I'm pretty driven and high strung as well. But I am growing more sativa leaning hybrids and have a photo sativa close to harvest, and of course the Chemdogging and Fantasamo for next run!
Kicked her out :rofl:

Yes they are a genus of the lady beetle family, but black with an orange head. I would love to see them destroy mealy, I've dealt with it SO much in my career and at home at times. Not on cannabis, but tropical plants, cacti, succulents etc. I love mayflies, always reminds me of when I was a kid and was camping and fished with my dad.

My Chaco is very laid back and can be picked up, but it's still small (not even sexed yet), the Gooty is a psychopath and venomous, I'll never touch it but it will be pretty when the blues come out.
They are both very cool spiders! You need to go fishing more, it's good for the relaxation and goes great with some fat bowls! A yellow version of those giant Hex's hatch in a few lakes and streams around here, it's been years since I fished those hatches though.

Good to know, I don't smoke a lot of sativas as I get bad anxiety in general, and I need to relax as I'm pretty driven and high strung as well. But I am growing more sativa leaning hybrids and have a photo sativa close to harvest, and of course the Chemdogging and Fantasamo for next run!
Kicked her out :rofl:

Yes they are a genus of the lady beetle family, but black with an orange head. I would love to see them destroy mealy, I've dealt with it SO much in my career and at home at times. Not on cannabis, but tropical plants, cacti, succulents etc. I love mayflies, always reminds me of when I was a kid and was camping and fished with my dad.

My Chaco is very laid back and can be picked up, but it's still small (not even sexed yet), the Gooty is a psychopath and venomous, I'll never touch it but it will be pretty when the blues come out.
Time for a small update, even tho plants are still wee and now look dwarfed by their containers. I’m not used to doing this with any plants, it’s always been up one size at a time so I feel overwhelmed as well that they are just swimming in an ocean of media.

Pictures are out of order, easiest to upload from my iPad but they get mixed up, I’ll try something else next time maybe.

So first up is the transition container, a yogurt container with slits in the sides nested in another yogurt container. Inside one can be planted so the roots won’t be disturbed. Not sure if there is a better way? I did plant the Strawberry Nugget directly into the AutoPot as I read she gets stunted easy if disturbed, and she can finish very early so stunting is a no no.
Speaking of no no’s tho, I was a tad tipsy and MAY have mixed her up with a Grapey Walter. Hmmm guess we will see. :cheers:


Below is an airdome substitute, the grow shop has had them on order for a month or more, so they said just use an air stone with a net pot, so for much cheaper I’ll see how well it works. I have two airdomes but I need more.



Oh she is so tiny in there.


Last is my dislike of mixing nutrients, I had these cups I got off amazon for soaking and labeling my seeds, so I decided to premeasure the MC and Sweet Candy out for veg and bloom, so I can just add them to my mix. I use 2.5 gallon buckets to mix as they are easier to wrangle than 5, I just have to mix up more nutes at times