Indoor Mephisto & AutoPots

That's why I went with water only soil this time around, nutes are expensive and time consuming. I need to give away my Nectar For The Gods stuff as I only will be using their foliar sprays moving forward.

Talk about having nutes to use up. OMG....I have about 400 bucks worth the advance nutrients, 300 in canna nutes, 200 in GH nutes.... I think MC might be the one I have been searching for! put in a jar, add water, mix, feed. BOOM. I was such a clueless newbie. And lets not even get into how many tents or lights I have sitting in my attic...ha ha!
:smokeout: :woohoo: :headbang: First auto run fun bay-bee!:baby: ... and off to a fine start-- :d5:
.... great choices too RG, ChemD' is total head-flattener according to all the feedback I hear from her...small wonder it's used so much in other crosses! GW and SN have fine rep's too,...
Autopots = :hump: - get those dialed in, and you become a low maintenance bud machine! I really want to try them myself some time,... seems they are nicely flexible in what can be used for media, soilless, coco, true soil,... BioTabs even has them added in with specific instructions for their products, so good a pair are these two,... If ever you wanted to try an organic run, this could be a solid choice! Chat with Mr.K the rep' here sometime, a great guy with ties way back to the good old days in the European cannabis scene- :eyebrows: Lots of great stories!
... gotta love the vigorous germ'ing, a positive sign in what seems to be troubled times over at MG in regards to this...
I strongly recommend a Si supplement, humic-fulvic, inoculants and have a PK booster handy along with a micronutrient supp' too... Si is beneficial in several ways, and that medium has zero in it,... If you haven't already, poke around in the Reference section and you'll see some good articles on Si and humic-fulvics,... lots of choices for Si, but I like Bio-Ag's humic-fulvic products best... you can get a small pack of dry stuff called Ful-Humix for cheap, a little goes a long way so the 100g bag is the ticket, maybe $10? Full spoilage would also include the Ful-Power, a liquid pure fulvic that's just amazing stuff,... the article will explain better, but when fulvic chelates nute ions, it's small enough that the entire complex can be taken in by the plant and utilized, vs. the "hand-off" that larger humic complexes have to do,... as a foliar spray, with nutes/supp's, it's superb! .......... For a micronute supp', I like Earth Juice Microblast best; I find adding this in weekly makes for prime butt-covering prevention on them, as they are very reactive ions in general and may lose chelation and become locked out by reacting with other things...
:frog: :goodluck: :karmacloud: :slap: great to see you dive in finally RG, looking forward to your "virgin" auto grow!
Talk about having nutes to use up. OMG....I have about 400 bucks worth the advance nutrients, 300 in canna nutes, 200 in GH nutes.... I think MC might be the one I have been searching for! put in a jar, add water, mix, feed. BOOM. I was such a clueless newbie. And lets not even get into how many tents or lights I have sitting in my attic...ha ha!

Lights are bad for me, I switched to LED so I have a 400 & 600w HPS with an air cooled hood, plus an array of other LED's I "don't like" :doh:
I remember my very first grow, 150w HPS with old magnetic ballast that I had to put on a brick so it wouldn't cook a hole in the floor. Bathroom fans, wardrobe I got from WalMart and painted white inside. It was a blast though I still remember it like it was my "first time" *blush* :crying::crying::crying:
In any case things have come a long way, but I still have my trials.
I have mostly just Grotek nutes to use up, I like them but I always want to try something new.. Hence my collection of grow equipment, reservoirs, etc.

My regular journal is but I could probably manage a new journal for the Mephisto goods. Learned something new already with the sand trick. I will definitely give it a go soon, as I have lots more seeds to sprout :smoking:

I can't say cannabis seeds need scarification, but I used it a number of times in school and I figure it can't hurt. I just think scarification and soaking was too much and I drowned the little embryos. I tend to overdo and overthink things, and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" just means "try harder to break it so you know how far it can be pushed" to me :smoking: I'm kinda proud of how many plants I've maimed and killed. In the name of science, of course. Dr. Frankenstein kinda way...

@RivetGrrl Wow those poped up fast! Your seedlings are actually bigger than mine usually are with my ancient cfls haha! Glad to be along for the ride! :woohoo::woohoo1::baby::joy:

Thanks, they are same size height wise, just the leaves are sooo tiny and cute but I'm sure they will get big enough. I'm being careful not to fry these, I killed a run of very expensive Rare Dankness and Karma seedlings frying them with the LED's, still used to seedlings under T5HO's.. Live and learn.

I'd love to watch your young mephisto gals grow Rivetgrrl. I'm curious to see how they compare to photos you run in the dank and smell departments

My tent is dank and stinky all right, I'm fighting pythium so it's extra dank *gag*. Hope someone can help me out in the infirmary section on that. But that aside, yes I'm very curious to see how they compare to my photo's.

:smokeout: :woohoo: :headbang: First auto run fun bay-bee!:baby: ... and off to a fine start-- :d5:
.... great choices too RG, ChemD' is total head-flattener according to all the feedback I hear from her...small wonder it's used so much in other crosses! GW and SN have fine rep's too,...
Autopots = :hump: - get those dialed in, and you become a low maintenance bud machine! I really want to try them myself some time,... seems they are nicely flexible in what can be used for media, soilless, coco, true soil,... BioTabs even has them added in with specific instructions for their products, so good a pair are these two,... If ever you wanted to try an organic run, this could be a solid choice! Chat with Mr.K the rep' here sometime, a great guy with ties way back to the good old days in the European cannabis scene- :eyebrows: Lots of great stories!
... gotta love the vigorous germ'ing, a positive sign in what seems to be troubled times over at MG in regards to this...
I strongly recommend a Si supplement, humic-fulvic, inoculants and have a PK booster handy along with a micronutrient supp' too... Si is beneficial in several ways, and that medium has zero in it,... If you haven't already, poke around in the Reference section and you'll see some good articles on Si and humic-fulvics,... lots of choices for Si, but I like Bio-Ag's humic-fulvic products best... you can get a small pack of dry stuff called Ful-Humix for cheap, a little goes a long way so the 100g bag is the ticket, maybe $10? Full spoilage would also include the Ful-Power, a liquid pure fulvic that's just amazing stuff,... the article will explain better, but when fulvic chelates nute ions, it's small enough that the entire complex can be taken in by the plant and utilized, vs. the "hand-off" that larger humic complexes have to do,... as a foliar spray, with nutes/supp's, it's superb! .......... For a micronute supp', I like Earth Juice Microblast best; I find adding this in weekly makes for prime butt-covering prevention on them, as they are very reactive ions in general and may lose chelation and become locked out by reacting with other things...
:frog: :goodluck: :karmacloud: :slap: great to see you dive in finally RG, looking forward to your "virgin" auto grow!

Ha I be a virgin again, kinda like what I mentioned above in my first grow *blush* (honest tho I make other people blush with my humor).

Those Biotabs look interesting, and I'm leaning more to AutoPots if I can't get the pythium under control in my DWC. All I smell is rotting potatoes now :finger: Fack first spider mites now this, I want one good run so fingers are crossed on this one!!
So Meph is having some issues with germing? It's odd because I won't touch Greenhouse Seeds, I tried their gear three times and got one plant out of it. Both early on, and recently when I really wanted to grow one of their hazes. But people rave about them so I can't say they have shitty genetics, I just didn't have luck with them.

I was using humic and fulvic acid, along with Si and CalMag in my hydroponics. Grotek's grow and bloom, with vitamax pro. But I wanted to scale back from it with the Greenleaf nutrients. Seems maybe I should keep up with more stuff? Different brands tho, I'd have to see if we can even get the stuff you recommend in Canada. We've chatted about that issue before :crying::crying:Now enzymes to get my @#@[HASHTAG]#ing[/HASHTAG] roots healthy.. But that's the other grow...
Thanks for the rep!!
Hello @RivetGrrl I'm here to follow along. I've been a fan of the Autopots since my first grow with them and now since switching over to Megacrop for nutes it just keeps getting simpler. Are those coco coir starter plugs? I was looking at them but never got any as I just plant direct to pot after germ.
Was it cannabis college you went to? They have one in Portland I have considered, but it's pricey, so I am thinking OSU is more practical and close to home anyway. I have only killed a few seedlings thus far, but have had horrible luck with Heavyweight Seeds not sprouting, so I would suggest staying away from those. You should make a thread of all the ones you have killed to show people what NOT to do as it sounds like you have that figured out, its good science right? :smoking:

I can't say cannabis seeds need scarification, but I used it a number of times in school and I figure it can't hurt. I just think scarification and soaking was too much and I drowned the little embryos. I tend to overdo and overthink things, and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" just means "try harder to break it so you know how far it can be pushed" to me :smoking: I'm kinda proud of how many plants I've maimed and killed. In the name of science, of course. Dr. Frankenstein kinda way...
This grow will be using AutoPots

Riv mate, hope you dont mind, i have a Qs /... have you used the autopot, with it's auto valve before at all ?

i use them , but i raise the pot above the 1.5cm water level in the autopot tray. Using a 20cm radius, 3cm deep, round plant pot tray. I drill a few holes to let the water in, as the 15ltr aquapot sit on this round tray.

This prevents the plant from sitting in water 24/7...... i run 4no "Capillary Matt Wicks" up into the pot when i fill with soil.... the wicks then sit in the round support tray, under the main 15ltr aquapot.

Eventually the roots come down and into the round tray below, while the soil is out of the water ! then the roots take water directly up. The wicks help bring the root down to water from young plant age, just after re pot to aquapot 15ltrs etc....... i wouldant use anything else nowadays....

I have never had a leak, from an aquavalve rubber stopper valve. I still put 2 aquatrays, in an 80cm x 80cm x 5cm tall sided, catch tray !! just in case it did, i only have 15ltrs at any one time in my supply reservoir, that feeds the aquavalves....... so if one did leak, and let go the 15ltrs of feed in one go !! the 80 x 80 x 5cm tray will catch all 15ltrs !!............ so no leak, from a valve failiure ! been on the aquavalves 3yr, same valves, pots, trays, no leak at all...........

They are good, because, you can fill the supply res, raise the lights 3ft !!............ and go away for 5 days no trouble. leave it all on automatic feeding, bang tidy, where family are concerned ! That includes one day dry, in those 5 days unattended growing, before you get home....... good luck with your grow, and aquapot grow, Riv................ ALR
Hello @RivetGrrl I'm here to follow along. I've been a fan of the Autopots since my first grow with them and now since switching over to Megacrop for nutes it just keeps getting simpler. Are those coco coir starter plugs? I was looking at them but never got any as I just plant direct to pot after germ.

Welcome Bushmaster :toke: good to see you here, any tips or tricks feel free to chime in, I'll wander over to your grow as well and see what's going on. Yes they are the starter plugs, they are really handy. I wouldn't have bought them for this, but I had them for a long time and thought I should use them. I think I have a box of 50 or so to run through.

Was it cannabis college you went to? They have one in Portland I have considered, but it's pricey, so I am thinking OSU is more practical and close to home anyway. I have only killed a few seedlings thus far, but have had horrible luck with Heavyweight Seeds not sprouting, so I would suggest staying away from those. You should make a thread of all the ones you have killed to show people what NOT to do as it sounds like you have that figured out, its good science right? :smoking:

HA I should "Do what I say, not what I do" :smoking: I try and look at the Infirmary section to help people out with that.
I went to regular old college for horticulture, I need to finish 4th year to get my undergrad still. They now have cannabis courses at that college but it's online and expensive. Since I have worked in retail horticulture and landscaping, I got more out of being in school and going for a degree. Hands on botany, entomology etc. courses. I can speak Latin, sort of, it's sexy :eyebrows: :crying:Propagation, cloning, tissue culture on and on. I think it's way more rounded than the cannabis courses, but those courses will get you in the door at an LP. I had no desire to get into production cannabis until a perfect job offer landed in my lap so that's where I'm at now (on sabbatical currently for some health issues but I hope I can get back to work soon, it's an awesome place as far as LP's go).

Riv mate, hope you dont mind, i have a Qs /... have you used the autopot, with it's auto valve before at all ?

i use them , but i raise the pot above the 1.5cm water level in the autopot tray. Using a 20cm radius, 3cm deep, round plant pot tray. I drill a few holes to let the water in, as the 15ltr aquapot sit on this round tray.

This prevents the plant from sitting in water 24/7...... i run 4no "Capillary Matt Wicks" up into the pot when i fill with soil.... the wicks then sit in the round support tray, under the main 15ltr aquapot.

Eventually the roots come down and into the round tray below, while the soil is out of the water ! then the roots take water directly up. The wicks help bring the root down to water from young plant age, just after re pot to aquapot 15ltrs etc....... i wouldant use anything else nowadays....

I have never had a leak, from an aquavalve rubber stopper valve. I still put 2 aquatrays, in an 80cm x 80cm x 5cm tall sided, catch tray !! just in case it did, i only have 15ltrs at any one time in my supply reservoir, that feeds the aquavalves....... so if one did leak, and let go the 15ltrs of feed in one go !! the 80 x 80 x 5cm tray will catch all 15ltrs !!............ so no leak, from a valve failiure ! been on the aquavalves 3yr, same valves, pots, trays, no leak at all...........

They are good, because, you can fill the supply res, raise the lights 3ft !!............ and go away for 5 days no trouble. leave it all on automatic feeding, bang tidy, where family are concerned ! That includes one day dry, in those 5 days unattended growing, before you get home....... good luck with your grow, and aquapot grow, Riv................ ALR

Thank you, and thanks for the advice! I will be running these with the aquavalve for now and seeing how they go. I love to tinker tho so I'll keep your modifications in mind.
I actually didn't know I lost the silicon from the valves so my plants were sitting in water when I used them last run, I think the air domes saved them from drowning but I need to get more silicon plugs as they get lost easy. I was wondering why they were always in water, read up they are supposed to run dry before filling up again.