First auto run fun bay-bee!
... and off to a fine start--
.... great choices too RG, ChemD' is total head-flattener according to all the feedback I hear from her...small wonder it's used so much in other crosses! GW and SN have fine rep's too,...
Autopots =
- get those dialed in, and you become a low maintenance bud machine! I really want to try them myself some time,... seems they are nicely flexible in what can be used for media, soilless, coco, true soil,... BioTabs even has them added in with specific instructions for their products, so good a pair are these two,... If ever you wanted to try an organic run, this could be a solid choice! Chat with Mr.K the rep' here sometime, a great guy with ties way back to the good old days in the European cannabis scene-
Lots of great stories!
... gotta love the vigorous germ'ing, a positive sign in what seems to be troubled times over at MG in regards to this...
I strongly recommend a Si supplement, humic-fulvic, inoculants and have a PK booster handy along with a micronutrient supp' too... Si is beneficial in several ways, and that medium has zero in it,... If you haven't already, poke around in the Reference section and you'll see some good articles on Si and humic-fulvics,... lots of choices for Si, but I like Bio-Ag's humic-fulvic products best... you can get a small pack of dry stuff called Ful-Humix for cheap, a little goes a long way so the 100g bag is the ticket, maybe $10? Full spoilage would also include the Ful-Power, a liquid pure fulvic that's just amazing stuff,... the article will explain better, but when fulvic chelates nute ions, it's small enough that the entire complex can be taken in by the plant and utilized, vs. the "hand-off" that larger humic complexes have to do,... as a foliar spray, with nutes/supp's, it's superb! .......... For a micronute supp', I like Earth Juice Microblast best; I find adding this in weekly makes for prime butt-covering prevention on them, as they are very reactive ions in general and may lose chelation and become locked out by reacting with other things...
great to see you dive in finally RG, looking forward to your "virgin" auto grow!