Outdoor Mephisto alfresco

Unfortunately I don't have any rubbing alcohol. But next time I'm in town i will get some to have on hand. After reading your thread it seems quite handy to have.:cheers:
Do you have Rubbing Alcohol ?
Do you have a sprayer ?
If so 1 cup of rubbing alcohol to 1 qt of water and 2 tsp of mild dish detergent.
spray your plants to drench repeat every other day until they're gone.

No cold nights here, min temps of around 20c. I have the plants in pots so i can move to a shaded area for a day if you think that will improve effect? Thanks again for the help!
Be sure to spray this just before sunset as the sunlight will limit the effectiveness of the bt. You are not getting cold nights are you? If so try to time it so the plant will be just dry before sunset.
No cold nights here, min temps of around 20c. I have the plants in pots so i can move to a shaded area for a day if you think that will improve effect? Thanks again for the help!
No need to move the plants. The caterpillars eat all night and will get plenty of bt. I would want my plants dry by sunset with temperatures 22c or less.
Wow....today has been a very rough day for the girls!! The temperature went from 4 days with a high of 40c to today being 21c and terribly windy! I moved them out of the wind best I could, also found I had catterpillers. Last time i had these fuckers i tossed about a lb of bud in the trash! But I think i have caught them in time this time round... i have ordered some BT and spent a couple of hours with the wife picking them off, along with any eggs that i found. While picking bugs off I accidentally super cropped the eldest fantasmo Express.I will try and get some pics tomorrow if i can get home before dark. I'm sure they will look like shit tomorrow from the temperature swings and wind and my clumsiness.But one thing i have learned from @912GreenSkell and @Growtogrow is don't quit on the girls no matter how tough it gets, no matter what it is weather it is climate/bugs whatever don't quit!
Wow....today has been a very rough day for the girls!! The temperature went from 4 days with a high of 40c to today being 21c and terribly windy! I moved them out of the wind best I could, also found I had catterpillers. Last time i had these fuckers i tossed about a lb of bud in the trash! But I think i have caught them in time this time round... i have ordered some BT and spent a couple of hours with the wife picking them off, along with any eggs that i found. While picking bugs off I accidentally super cropped the eldest fantasmo Express.I will try and get some pics tomorrow if i can get home before dark. I'm sure they will look like shit tomorrow from the temperature swings and wind and my clumsiness.But one thing i have learned from @912GreenSkell and @Growtogrow is don't quit on the girls no matter how tough it gets, no matter what it is weather it is climate/bugs whatever don't quit!
Good man[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482][emoji106]

So to help speed things up you can also get the sprayer with just plain water in it and just spray them off either early in the morning before you go to work or late when you get home but just spraying them off is good witch will slow them down until you can get the right deterrents for them you know you can use neems oil in foliar spray as well.
Could attract birds to your grow area that will help eat some of those caterpillars as well by putting out some bird feeders out and round your grow area. Also bat house to attract bats to your area. They will eat their weight in bugs every night.

You'll have to get on your A game now.
Good luck my friend[emoji482]
your off to the front now the war has began[emoji368][emoji377][emoji35][emoji91][emoji379][emoji378][emoji95][emoji573][emoji95][emoji88][emoji482][emoji111]

Ok a bit of an update on the bug front. I rummaged through my garden supplies and found a bottle of organic bug spray and applied to every single leaf yesterday morning before work. It contains pyrethrin and canola oil I also added a little neem oil. I have been looking through every bud site and removing any catterpillers. My wife has been amazing and while I'm at work she has been going through them meticulously morning noon and evening picking out anything she finds! Then this morning i have noticed a little leaf damage from the spray, so i mixed up 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid to 10 liters of water and washed all the plants off. I then got the hose and rinsed the plants thoroughly. Afterward i applied liquid kelp as a foliar spray at a quarter recommended strength. Was this the right thing to do? I don't know but i sure had to try something...we have just spent an hour going through them again and found 2 tiny little catterpillers....I think we are winning the war, i will keep going through them until my biological weapons arrive! I will get a couple of pics up this afternoon. Thanks a lot @Growtogrow without your advice I think i may have lost the war by now, you rock man!:cheers::thumbsup::shooty:
Ok here are some pics first 2 pics are Fantasmo Express, then the 2 S.O.D.K and finally the fugue state...been a good day in the bug war, only found the one little fucker this arvo. I got caught up in the bug war and forgot to mention I have top dressed the girls a couple days ago with some well composed horse and cow manure and a little blood and bone. This arvo I also applied some more liquid kelp again at a quarter strength, I think the plants are looking better for it!
Hell yeah their looking prime. Bro
Keep up the good work. [emoji481][emoji482]
Be careful using the oils they can suffocate your girl's if you have too much of it on them. Keep your mixes on the thinner side that way there the plant can still breathe through it and oil will still do the job.

I found yesterday when I sprayed my girls in the flower room with the alcohol water soap mix. I found that also kills common house flies[emoji106]bonus[emoji106] It seems to have quite the effect on them.
A lot of times when I have a bug infestation I'll get a lot of house flies flying around my crops???
I don't know why they seem to always go hand n hand.
So when I spray alcohol water soap mix ( I guess it wasn't day before yesterday ) it wiped them out too that's a good thing. Because I think sometimes the eggs or the little larvae or whatever May attached itself to the fly leg and go land on another plant possibly? It's just a theory.
Of why my infestation seem to and start a new infestation. I think thats one way they get from plant to plant tho. who knows?[emoji482]

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Yesterday i was the happiest man alive....my catterpiller killer arrived! I mix it up as directed and applied to every single leaf and bud site! I think the hand to hand combat with the little jokers was pretty effective the last couple of days i have only removed a couple of them. I will be very happy not to have to man handle my buds twice a day. I will get some pics up this afternoon if I'm home in daylight...