Outdoor Mephisto alfresco

This week has not been such a good one. Temperatures have been as high as 43c(109f) with constant winds up around 40kmh (25mph). The girls are looking a little bit rough!
To make matters worse I've had a surprise visit from the property owner and had to move my plants in a hurry. I have lost 2 plants the fugue state and a fantasmo Express. When i picked up the pots to shift them to a more discreet location their pots fell apart and i didn't have enough time to save them! The joys of growing outdoors where it's not legal. I will try and get some pics up in the next couple of days!
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This week has not been such a good one. Temperatures have been as high as 43c(109f) with constant winds up around 40kmh (25mph). The girls are looking a little bit rough!
To make matters worse I've had a surprise visit from the property owner and had to move my plants in a hurry. I have lost 2 plants the fugue state and a fantasmo Express. When i picked up the pots to shift them to a more discreet location their pots fell apart and i didn't have enough time to save them! The joys of growing outdoors where it's not legal. I will try and get some pics up in the next couple of days!
Dam that sucks man sorry to hear that...

Another shit growing day here again 44c(110F):hothot: with the same gusty winds..plants are starting to suffer..to make it worse I can't move them to a more sheltered area until tomorrow. This is definitely going to have an impact on the end product! One good thing about this is next time I will be more prepared for these conditions. One thing is certain I won't let it stop me from growing! :deadhorse:
Thanks pal..I was kinda lucky to avoid a major security issue...I am just glad i only lost a couple plants and not have my patch found. I have learned a good lesson from this, one I won't forget in a hurry!
Dam that sucks man sorry to hear that...

Ok I finally have my girls home :woohoo:. Still hot and sunny but the wind has finally pissed off. I have given them a good watering and put them in a partially shaded spot for the day. I will give them a foliar feed with some liquid kelp on sundown. Nutes are biobizz bloom 4ml/Ltr, fish mix/grow 2ml/Ltr ca/mg 4ml/ltr and p/k13-14 2ml/ltr every third watering. Temperatures are supposed to be 39-40c max the rest of the week which is a slight relief :hothot: the poor things won't win any beauty pageants:kiss:but are hanging on. I think final weight may suffer a little from the heat. I'm seeing a little mg deficiency problem with the heat and low humidity making some nutrients unavailable.
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S.O.D.K i think she will be pretty close to done in a couple weeks.
I think there looking pretty good for all the Heat and wind you have you're doing a good job maintaining them. There nice and green and healthy for the most part and then of course your caterpillars it's not looking too bad bro[emoji481][emoji482]

Thanks man, I'm really trying with this lot! They have me pretty stressed out sometimes:coffee2: but I'm pretty happy with how they have handled this shit weather. I have definitely learned a lot more from my mistakes this grow and won't repeat them again any time soon. I'm hoping my next should be a little easier. I will have the products on hand to deal with what comes up immediately. :shooty:
I think there looking pretty good for all the Heat and wind you have you're doing a good job maintaining them. There nice and green and healthy for the most part and then of course your caterpillars it's not looking too bad bro[emoji481][emoji482]
