Mephisto Genetics Mephisto 4 Strains LED TK, SBC,HBSS & TS

Frost won't be a problem :) and Thanks!
Subbed. Another exciting grow Arty.:karma Cloud:
This grow got mothballed :( for security reasons . Living in rented flat has it's draw backs and my landlord is renovating parts of the property which means no growing for quite some time to come. I seriously hope it is sooner rather than later as supplies are running low :( If he doesn't hurry up I'll be smoking my AVB/gruff (Already Been Vaped) not ideal I know but any "pot in a storm" will have to suffice.
Was wondering, noticed you haven't been around. Hope it all blows over soon.
Sorry to hear that arty!
smart move though, better safe than sorry mate
Margahooja & Mephisto thanks for the comments guys. I always err on the side of caution and it breaks my heart if I have to pull up any plant that isn't ready for the chop and and that goes double when they are just seedlings.

I'm glad I did shut it down as I recently saw his builder using a FLIR camera (which are used for checking insulation specs of a building) and I over heard the bloke with the camera say that there were "no anomalies".

My grow cab is fairly well insulated and I use LED with also helps reduce hot points on thermal images but I would have been crapping my pants if my lights were in operation.

I think I will have to get some HS1's to further reduce heat sig and electricity usage, every little helps when it comes to stealth.

I will restart this grow as and when it is possible to do so, totally gutted I will have to wait as I was really looking forward to my first Mephisto grow.

@ Mephisto really like the look of your upgrade to you site :) great work. Any idea when the graphics will be ready to download?
It's a real lottery in rented accommodation..

you can get very lucky, with a private landlord.. Or ive rented through an agency and its a complete nightmare.

especially in the UK where it's in the contract that they do inspections every three months, but they rarely do them on that schedule, stratospheric stress levels even with just a tent or two.

we are pretty snowed under with stuff at the moment, getting ready for the big dirty this summer, indoor/outdoor it's going to be hectic. So I can't really give an eta on things like that unfortunately, as long as the site is functioning okay for now that's the important thing, there's a heap of tweeks and updates I'd like to do, but being a realist about it, it's not going to be soon. Sorry about that.

cheers anyway mate, mitch
No problems Mitch :)
keep doin what you do,you have my support in all you do.
Good luck with the big durty (trailerpark boys reference?;) ) I look forward to your updates over the summer on you blog if you get the time to update.
you got some rep:slap: from me for your support and positive attitude to afn members, don't know how you find the time to do your work and still post answers but it is greatly appreciated :)