Outdoor medicine under the sun

... growing blind would be an interesting project indeed and sounds better than learning braile! ... Id really like to be able to try phoenix tears and other methods of intake but is freaking ridiculous that someone who can barely see has to produce their own medicine ... I think cannabutter will be about as indepth as Ill be able to go on that front...

Sorry to hear about your eyes man, but just keep positive! An outlook like yours inspires me! I read you are worried about trying the Phoenix tears option for obvious, dangerous reasons...but do you not have anyone you know that could help you with measurements? My first thought when reading your post was to ask you if you had tried the oil, as it seems to have so much more of a profound medical effect on patients that if it was me, I would definitely try to make some. I would drive out to where you lived to help out with that, if we were in the same country. I am going to be making the oil to give to cancer patients and AIDS patients in SA, when I get a few good yields.
Anyway all the best man!
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I was picturing myself before out in the garden, smelling and feeling a row of plants and their fat buds thinking I was being all quiet and secretive - when in actuality a police drug task force etc were standing in the yard... "He's got no fucking idea we are here does he?" "Has he managed to grow all them blind??" "Kudos - lets not arrest him but go help him harvest and roll some fattys instead!".

thats great mate!!! I have little "mind fantasies" too.... :smoke:

sorry to hear about your vision as well... we'll do our best to help you any way we can....

cheers and good karma clouds headed your way!!!!

Thanks for the kind words folks - greatly appreciated :smokebuds:.

You know I could never understand fully what you go through
not to keep sooking buts thats one of the frustrating things with poor eyesight - the example I often use is if ya have a broken arm everyone can see it and even if they havent broken an arm themselves they have felt pain so can sorta relate but its impossible to try and explain the different symptoms with vision - and the more I have the harder they get as there's lots of different types of "flashing lights" so is really hard to convey. Things like the double vision are hard enough to try and explain properly (especially when I cant see out of one eye but see double out of the other) let alone times when the eyes do completely random things like make everything in the central vision upside down! The crazy thing is whilst Im used to having crap and strange vision the brain knows its not right and is hard to "explain" to it too so generally does me no favours as far as attention span/focus etc. Also means takes lots longer to do things and even then still with twice as much fuck ups - if I had a camera at moment Id show you all some very stunted plants to prove it! The many effects like not being able to drive etc etc are also a big pain in the ass and well, especially frustrating when can see enough to see what yr missing...

Anyway, trying to chill and keep positive so have dropped a few more beans and made sure to go slowly this time and use the right medium etc to try and avoid more stumpies and a super high ratio of males...

Good work mmmsb - cancer and AIDS patients need all the help they can get so lotsa good growing karma too you for the oils etc

but do you not have anyone you know that could help you with measurements?
not really at the moment, with the eyes and other health problems Ive been fairly home bound over last few years so friendships have waned and being in small town a0 choices are limited and b) Ive gotta be real careful with who, if anyone, here I let know Im growing. An optometrist who was here but left recently unfortunately would of been up for it I think and would've been excellent to also check results but unfortunately good medical people dont tend to stay here long. I will work on it though as I definetely want to give such things a go so hopefully by the time I have enough crop in (should have a better rotation and supply as time goes) I'll have found someone to help. Just smoking canna makes a HUGE difference in my intra ocular pressures (IOP) but especially with also having retina problems and there being many cannabanoid receptors in the retina I would at least like to give the phoenix tears or equivalent a try and if possible Id really like to find some one actually professionaly employed or researching eye probs here so that it can be done properly and so that any positives - and negatives for that matter - can be properly documented - the illegality makes it very hard but I can dream!

TBM - yeah, I was surprised when I googled that the pump n seal was easily available in Aus - am so used to hearing of good products but either not available here at all or under different names (like the great molasses/treacle swindle) so will be a nice and easy one to get a hold of. Have dropped a few photo seeds as well as autos in the hope of cloning to get a good run of crops so hopefully wont be too long till Im sealing away! Well a cple months but damn Im looking forward to sealing and stashing my own jars rather than having to covet a little baggy!

cheers JM - those "mind fantasies" are what keep me going!!! Those and the fact that my strawberries are fruiting their heads off - thats pretty cool too!

cheers folks - more pics of the outside girls when have camera back next week - hopefully theyll be getting nice and fat by then

Hope all is well glaucoma, maybe one day soonish I can get across to visit :)
Hey matey - hope yr keeping well.
cheers - yeah would definetely be cool catching up with a fellow AFNer. I gotta say, with my living situation with family here I can't be to accommidating here if ya know what I mean as I still gotta keep all this on the down-low but as far as I am concerened yr most welcome. :smokebuds:
Hope you backed a winner today!
Camera back so time for un update. Nothing too exciting - in fact some stuff up and since when I loaded photos they came out backwards in order we will start with the stunted (just some of them).

Unfortunately whilst I love reading I also like learning from my mistakes - and I tend to make a lot of em! Tried germing a few seeds in a mix of coco/perlite and what I though what the right soil but either I got soil totally wrong or grabbed a handful from the wrong bucket Im not sure but stunted ones, males and of course non germing ensued... so heres a cple of tiny stunted JEMS. Kicking myself a bit (especially seeing other pples Jems of the same age) but thats how it goes...


Next up is a Short Stuff Mix Pack seed. Am hoping it like the MI5 below still has a lot of fattening upto do in the next week or so as have been giving the ladies a good feel up in the quest to better grow blind and they are more like runway models at the moment rather than lucious ladies but Ive let em know the grow aint over till the fat ladies sing so we will get there.




And my very rudimentary male dormitory hidden away in an old bird cage. Not the most "laboratory" type housing but best I can do at moment and hopefully will at least allow some pollen so I can try my hand at some breeding. Both of these are Dragons. Wld've loved one fem but next time.

Little dissapointed in myself that I didnt just stick with what had worked with previous germing as creating a heap of stunted ones etc (lots I havent shown or are gone) has put the schedule out and means Ill probably have to pay for another baggy but still hopefully Ill get a bit more organised and settled and get a nice rotation happening soon. Also means will be a bit longer till can get cooking (which is a pity as was hoping to have a good batch of edibles before seeing eye specialist in December so I can present it as healthily as possible but will still try and get enough for a bit of a cook up before then) I think I might also take a rest for a bit from dealing with idiot politicians for a while too so I can de stress and concentrate on keeping myself healthy. As I say though, is all part of the learning so is good to get some mistakes out of the way early-ish and from here (hopefully) just onward and upward.


Hope yr all well folks.
i may be way off on this but,
could there possibly be a certain
percentage of all autos that will
only be little ones.
but,what if you were to chop the
tops off the stumpies at the 4th node
(the 4th set of leaf up from the bottom)
that might stimulate natures mechanisms
to survive and start a race to grow and
it might give you more yield
be worth a try with 1 or 2
just as an experiment anyway.
yep - thats one positive Im looking at with my mistakes and stumpies etc - opportunities to experiment and learn from them.
I think your right in that mother nature will throw in some that are always gonna be little but I think my mistakes also had a big part to play.
I will try the topping with some but those that are stumpied but starting to flower ae really compact with very little spacing between nodes etc.
One that I stuffed up a while ago I put outside where it gets light but not a geat deal of full sun - this caused it to veg longer and stretch which will be a good ploy to use in the future but i planted it in the ground rather than a pot (as I wasnt worried about whether it survived or not at first - just a trial) so I have recently dug it up and put into a pot so I can give it more sun. Is still recovering (with the help of sea kelp solution) but hopefully I can at least get something off it and might prove to be a future way to get the best out of stumpies.

Time to medicate then Ill post up whats happening indoors
I have gotten some of my best smoke from stunted ladies... Just keep giving her love and she'll love you right back Matey! :dancer: I bet you'll still get some great smoke! Hope you're keeping well man! :smokebuds:
Hey brother hope you're doin well! Like WVR said, the stunted ladies can definitely produce the strongest smoke. Lookin forward to following the grow! :pop: