
Tinkering in the ManCave!
Cultivators Club
Apr 24, 2018
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Currently Smoking
A Mephisto buffet of deliciousness like Double Grape, CDLC, 3BOG and so much more!
MedCzech's ManCave "Golden Ratio Grow" :welcome:

Ok, hey to all you who might now know me already. This is not really a grow journal. I will be sharing here some ideas and concepts of what I am doing with all of you and we can use this thread to discuss.
A small background first will be necessary. I am a biomechanist, kinesiologist who specializes in golf. I wrote a book based on some studies I had been doing surrounding the golden ratio. I will post some articles and lots of my previous studies which may not always be directly connected to growing but will help all who would like, to better understand what significance this can have in the grow world and even your entire life. Their is a natural balance which is divinely designed into our universe. I believe the golden ratio is connected to this universal balance. It is demonstrated in nature and to be honest everything if you look close enough.

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I am simply taking this concept and translating it over to growing cannabis. In this grow I will be using the ratio to better balance three aspects of this grow;

-The light spectrum ratio of blue to red will start a 66 blue and 33 red in veg transitioning to 33 blue and 66 red in flower.

-Also the intensity of each color spectrum will be kept in ratio as well. With the more dominant color getting the more dominant intensity. This will be monitored using a par meter for now.

-The last thing is the nutrient schedule. This is a lot more complex. Each nutrient interacts with other nutrients in a symbiotic way that is also in the golden ratio believe it or not. You will se a diagram below demonstrating this interaction. This part of the grow will be the most difficult to calculate, and I have only begun to figure this out. There will be much more discussion.


There are many examples of the golden ratio as you can see in nature, and this is just the start. During an unrelated incident, I was working with a concept around quantum physics, and subtle energies when we came across the golden ratio again. We actually discovered that at a subatomic level, all matter in the entire universe, has something called integer spin. I am not going to get into this too deep. Long story short,... all matter resonates at the golden ratio. ALL MATTER PEOPLE! That means everything. :yeahthat:

That is the connection in quantum physics that is now helping us solve and fill in large gaps of both understanding and misunderstanding. While the physicists try to solve the worlds biggest issues, little old me wrote a book about golf and is now confident I can do it in growing cannabis as well, especially if we put our brains together. I tell people not to get too intimidated by this. It may be a little complex, but the applications can be very simple, and I believe a universal grow system can be created using the ratio as the guide. The tricky part is finding the parts we need to ratio to create perfect harmony in the garden.

Here is a picture of my garden now. Nothing out of the ordinary to see hear. I just made some measurements with spectrum and par so that my lights are in ratio, and I have set my nute schedule(I am still working out number as we speak).


Blue light with spectrum average 5700k based on specs. That's why I bought the cheapest light(works awesome btw) was because it's veg light had the spectrum I needed. I already had two 3500k(the perfect balance based on the ratio (topic for later on), yet I needed a light which would give me a color spectrum in the golden ratio above 3500k.
:doh:Easy math guys. 3500x1.6183=5664.05 I looked but they don't make 5664.05k lights
I was disappointed, but I moved on and was lucky to find something pretty close.

The par from the veg 5700k is at an average of 350 right now and the par from the 3500k cobs are around 215 also in ratio.
Again more simple math to figure this out. 215x1.6183=347.93 so we're close with that.

That's really all I have done. The medium was charged with a light solution of Cal Mag plus, root stimulator, and enzymes, all in ratio. The feeding chart is there for a reason. When you look at the nutrients in each bottle more closely, you will see there are ratios of elements that do exist, and that is why if you don't follow them properly, you can have issues with disbalance in the form or either deficiency or excess and lockouts.


I won't get into too much detail yet until I work out the math. This one is a but more complex, but the math is not difficult itself. This chart above demonstrates the relationships between the elements. I actually think the guy who did this, did it wrong, but not in practice, but on,y in design because he was missing small mathematical number that can better organize, what some think is happening in random in nature.
Real life application!- my last grow I was able to find an elusive phenotype and I created a new one according to Dutch Passions records in the Auto Night queen strain using a modified version of this concept. This grow will be a little more precise. The elusive " strawberry milkshake " pheno, and I got two of them. Then, I got a new pheno, and Shen might even be better. Strawberry rocket fuel, or what my old time friend said tasted exactly like the strawberry cough from the Good ole days. This concept is at the very least interesting and getting results. :digit:

That's all for this first post. I am looking forward to hearing feedback from you all. You probably all think I am crazy anyway, so let's just start with that as an assumption that I am confirming for you right now. I may very well be, but that's what the golf professionals said many years ago. Those guys are sitting in my seminars now all clapping and saying how brilliant the concept is and how it ties together every other concept imagined in golf to one relatable, quantifiable number!

Who knew??:doh:
(For you curious George' grow room temps are around 25C and RH around 62-65 , an exhaust fan running at 240/h, two circulatory fans, a humidifier, and my inkbird system to manage temps. I don't need to cool it right now as temps are good here.)


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I do not think you are crazy. I have personally observed this "balance as I call it" in nature for over 40 years. It started when I grew an organic vegetable and flower truck farm. I have never tried to apply math as a science to it. I will be following your work here and contribute when I can. The problem I have is I do not have any scientific instruments to measure anything other than observation. This is woefully subjective and far from scientific. I constantly preach "often until blue in the face" Liebig's Law of the Minimum for the basis of using a single vendors nutrient line. I think if you are able to link nutrient balance to the math model you are seeking it will be expressed in Liebig's work as well.

Now for an observation as it relates to red and blue in the artificial grow light. I use 14 Citizen clu48-1212-3500k cri 90 cobs (great overall spectrum) in my grow space and a couple of Roleadro LEDs that I started with in indoor growing. I have 4 - 5 watt 730nm SemiLeds that I have been using at flip to 12/12. I have been running them at lights out for 15 minutes seven says before the flip and 7 days after the flip. What I have observed is that the internodal spacing has been too big with this light schedule. So I am thinking that even though the change to generative is faster the light balance is wrong. So instead of using less red I am going to add more blue. I have two royal blue cobs coming and I will use them through veg and into the first two weeks of flower. This is not scientific but based on observation with trial and error. I will let you know how it goes.

Keep up the good work

subbed :pop:
I do not think you are crazy. I have personally observed this "balance as I call it" in nature for over 40 years. It started when I grew an organic vegetable and flower truck farm. I have never tried to apply math as a science to it. I will be following your work here and contribute when I can. The problem I have is I do not have any scientific instruments to measure anything other than observation. This is woefully subjective and far from scientific. I constantly preach "often until blue in the face" Liebig's Law of the Minimum for the basis of using a single vendors nutrient line. I think if you are able to link nutrient balance to the math model you are seeking it will be expressed in Liebig's work as well.

Now for an observation as it relates to red and blue in the artificial grow light. I use 14 Citizen clu48-1212-3500k cri 90 cobs (great overall spectrum) in my grow space and a couple of Roleadro LEDs that I started with in indoor growing. I have 4 - 5 watt 730nm SemiLeds that I have been using at flip to 12/12. I have been running them at lights out for 15 minutes seven says before the flip and 7 days after the flip. What I have observed is that the internodal spacing has been too big with this light schedule. So I am thinking that even though the change to generative is faster the light balance is wrong. So instead of using less red I am going to add more blue. I have two royal blue cobs coming and I will use them through veg and into the first two weeks of flower. This is not scientific but based on observation with trial and error. I will let you know how it goes.

Keep up the good work

subbed :pop:

You assumption, I believe is most likely correct. The golden ratio connects to ALL, and that means intuition and internal subjectivity and instinct are all influenced the ratio has on our thinking. Remember that even our thinking somehow resonates with this ratio and that is why it's symmetry is so pleasing to the eye. I have studied this subject in massive depth.
We have worked with teams of doctors and neurologists who were all convinced by the concept and also started to find it more and more in their respective fields. It works. We have tested it, we can see the synapse events and neuropathways also fire in ratio to their relative counterparts in the brain. The equipment they used was other worldly, new age shit man.
When they were testing for ground forces they had to go to Korea to where the only anti-gravity chamber large enough to test in. Some elevator drops and they have a few seconds to test theories. Crazy stuff too. It worked there also.
Your observation is not wrong, it is inherent in us all, and some of us are more sensitive to it. The really sensitive ones can actually see it and see and even feel how it balances things somehow. Apparently you have that gift as well. Cool stuff for sure.
I will try not to bore you with it.
You assumption, I believe is most likely correct. The golden ratio connects to ALL, and that means intuition and internal subjectivity and instinct are all influenced the ratio has on our thinking. Remember that even our thinking somehow resonates with this ratio and that is why it's symmetry is so pleasing to the eye. I have studied this subject in massive depth.
We have worked with teams of doctors and neurologists who were all convinced by the concept and also started to find it more and more in their respective fields. It works. We have tested it, we can see the synapse events and neuropathways also fire in ratio to their relative counterparts in the brain. The equipment they used was other worldly, new age shit man.
When they were testing for ground forces they had to go to Korea to where the only anti-gravity chamber large enough to test in. Some elevator drops and they have a few seconds to test theories. Crazy stuff too. It worked there also.
Your observation is not wrong, it is inherent in us all, and some of us are more sensitive to it. The really sensitive ones can actually see it and see and even feel how it balances things somehow. Apparently you have that gift as well. Cool stuff for sure.
I will try not to bore you with it.
I have always just called that "Listening to the little man inside" :haha:.
Bore me. I'm incredibly interested as I've only vaguely heard of the Golden ratio.
You assumption, I believe is most likely correct. The golden ratio connects to ALL, and that means intuition and internal subjectivity and instinct are all influenced the ratio has on our thinking. Remember that even our thinking somehow resonates with this ratio and that is why it's symmetry is so pleasing to the eye. I have studied this subject in massive depth.
We have worked with teams of doctors and neurologists who were all convinced by the concept and also started to find it more and more in their respective fields. It works. We have tested it, we can see the synapse events and neuropathways also fire in ratio to their relative counterparts in the brain. The equipment they used was other worldly, new age shit man.
When they were testing for ground forces they had to go to Korea to where the only anti-gravity chamber large enough to test in. Some elevator drops and they have a few seconds to test theories. Crazy stuff too. It worked there also.
Your observation is not wrong, it is inherent in us all, and some of us are more sensitive to it. The really sensitive ones can actually see it and see and even feel how it balances things somehow. Apparently you have that gift as well. Cool stuff for sure.
I will try not to bore you with it.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Also, @Mañ'O'Green , the stretch can be related to the shade stretch response when there is too much combo of both red and deep red, and if you add a lot of far red, it will increase that response. The plants thinks it is being shaded by plants above it and it stretches out to find the light. This can cause stress as well ast a cellular level. The plant is getting one signal to reach for the dying light, and yet reality is that is is being bombarded by photons more and more and these two are conflicting signals. Grow cycles can be erratic and growth irregular. Have you noticed any of that also?
Bore me. I'm incredibly interested as I've only vaguely heard of the Golden ratio.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
cool, nice to have you on pun intended!

The ratio is really cool stuff. Man hit YouTube up, and the inter web bro! There's lots to absorb. Start taking a look. Maybe you will find a way to apply it in what you do. Many of my friends have done this in their businesses and they pay me to help them find ways to "ratio" their lives. It sounds really complicated, but for me, I can figure it out if I spend time with someone.
My students joke and say that "Coach can see the matrix"!
Also, @Mañ'O'Green , the stretch can be related to the shade stretch response when there is too much combo of both red and deep red, and if you add a lot of far red, it will increase that response. The plants thinks it is being shaded by plants above it and it stretches out to find the light. This can cause stress as well ast a cellular level. The plant is getting one signal to reach for the dying light, and yet reality is that is is being bombarded by photons more and more and these two are conflicting signals. Grow cycles can be erratic and growth irregular. Have you noticed any of that also?
Actually that is my intention. The far red 730nm is added to put the plants to sleep faster = longer night but it also contributes to the stretch shade response when added to the red in my cob spectrum. I want the stretch to start sooner and be faster but not exaggerated. I think adding more blue will tame that response.