This is very exciting for me and scary all at the same time, i have worked
like a government mule for most of my life and i have listened to what THEY told
me to do about my ailments and some of it work but most of it just mask the
problem and got worst . i have been a victim of fast food fast life and
everything moving at the speed of lite in the last 4 or 5 yrs i
have slowed down I'm 47 yrs old i'm not a drinker but i will drink in social
setting once or twice a year .i recently stop smoking and started vaping
nicotine ,just that alone i feel better the only prescription med's i take is
meloxicam for arthritis and Hydro's as needed for pain (ONLY AT BED TIME) and oh
yeah my doctor put me on a vit.d prescription for three months i'm done with it
now but i still don't know what is was for

Ok so here we go :