Me and My Pee Pee

ugh. I lost my hanna in a recent move. It's gunna be in a box in a pile in an attick in a building in a city that I'm not living in at the moment. Probably gunna have to save up for a new one.

I have completely cut out coffee and soft drinks though. And my diet has improved enormously since a while ago... but my last readings were around 6.0 - I did start drinking a hell of a lot of green tea though... I feel better through and through simply because of that. Coffee tore up my stomach and was way too much caffeine for me. Don't get me wrong, I like being jittery, but it was messing with my system. Anyway, I'll get back on this train when I have a pen again. Sweet thread.

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Il check on you from time to time to make to important my friend.....:PH Reading..?:
duggy :tiphat: DubV :dance2:.....all my AFN family ..lots of love to you guys its been a good year for me ..."pher Wiggle"...and about that long since ive posted in this thread.
i most say that i have not been checking my PH on a regular bases but i do check it periodically and i am always with in -6.0 to 7.2 i can only remember a couple of times it was all messed up ,and one of those times we call Thanksgiving in America ...LOL ...its the only time i eat robot food (anything processed). So yeah guys i just wanted to let you guys know how much you've help me and inspired me to live and eat right(DUBV) 190pounds now and my wife thinks im to skinny lol..but im not ..she's just use to the old CANTGETRITE...but im the new you !!!!
Hi CGR! :stylez rasta smoke:

Nice to see you again!
Glad things are going well for you :d5:
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