Indoor Mdanzig's Sour60

Well mini update... I love this particular plant.. It grows soo fast.. Sorry for the HPS...



This is what it was THREE DAYS AGO!! :D I hope it has a nice sativa buzz

yeah nice mate

Thanks :D they are starting to get to the good part!

That's a lot of growth in 3 days!
It sure is.. I don't notice it until i look back at the pics, i spend too much time looking at them. She is also starting to grow trichs a bit. I'll get some good macro's next update.
You can turn the fans off in the space. And watch the leaves move around. Thing is alive.. lol
I was doing some watering today. Took these out for a better shot.

Such a sativa pheno.. Mdanzig said he used LR#2 in there, not #1.. It has to be where this is coming from. I remember MrMcG talking about how he got double serrated leaves. It's all over this one. Bloody saw blades.


Now!!!! This one here is special. Super bushy, and the stink!!! Oh my.. I am calling it the sourbubble pheno as a working name. I have to verify pics from BOG to see where it might land in the sceme of things.. If it is more SB leaning, this pheno is the reason i bought this strain.
Note to JM: See the eagle claws there? no sign of other deff's. The claw is more a sign of N toxicity.
Funny thing is i haven't watered in much ferts. She is in home compost, all i added for compost food was the trim from the ICU's.
Bloody active soil. Actually the best looking ones are in recycled soil that had been composting trim for a week or 2.



Oh sexiness plants!

It's all over this one. Bloody saw blades
Yup.. thats definetly a LR2 trait!

interesting on the ferts... is there any magnesium supplements in there? I may be totally wrong.. but I still have this feeling about balancing the Nitro load against magnesium
Magnesium helps supports healthy veins while keeping a healthy leaf production and its structure. Magnesium is significant for chlorophyll-production and enzyme break downs. Magnesium which must be present in relatively large quantities for the plant to survive, but yet not to much to where it will cause the plant to show a toxicity.
Just my 2 cents... :)
I gave one watering with black strap molasses, that's the only mag they have gotten. Well the super green ones anyway.

Check this out.

Read the bottom half. If i had a build up of mag, i should be seing dead spots, or some kind of necrosis/deff of cal. Nor arguing with you mate. Just making sure i have my info straight.
Dude! I'm digging the double-serration on the fans! that looks so wicked! be sure and press a few in some old books to have for the future to look at. Is this common? I haven't seen it before, very neat that it's getting passed down genetically.
Read the bottom half. If i had a build up of mag, i should be seing dead spots, or some kind of necrosis/deff of cal. Nor arguing with you mate. Just making sure i have my info straight.

yeah... in reading that ... it makes me realize that was part of my issue in December with the crispy leaves and shit... that N to Mag thing I was talking about... I've only noticed in seedlings.... mature plants appear to be completly consisten with all the above... :)
PS- I know you're not aruging... just presenting facts... always appreciated.. :)