Indoor Mdanzig's Sour60

Ok fellas, i have some pics. I know it's been a while. They are going to be some branchy ones, side shoots are already givin'er

Pulled a couple out for photos.





They are starting to show the sex, so i thought it would be a good time to get some pics up.

This is the first confirmed female. I was hoping it was a she, it the most sativa looking one so far.


This is the best looking male.


These are the males i am going to use to breed with, this round. I might add another one to the group but i am waiting for him to mature a bit.
I spent some time re potting today. Got a few pics while i was in there.

The double cup got me to sexing long before they were root bound. I will be using this method more often.

The big one i thought was a male?

Nope turns out it's a girl.. I guess it was a mong branch or some thing.. Ether way it's now on the babysitter list.. If it grows balls i can't breed it ether :(

So i re-potted it.

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lookin great bailer... great root structure... I know the babysitting routine! lol been babysitting my ak47 x RR's ... seems as though iv got 3 femmales and 4 males and still on unsexd yet... but one of the fems isnt real distinct... just taking way longer than the males to show soi assume its fem... babysitting... lol
Looking good my man. Like how you did the double pot and then transfer to a larger container. Should be interesting to watch that one in the kitty litter box, i bet you out grow the room :thumbs:

now about the one that has what looks like balls and then fem on top, i think and i hate to say it but i bet its herm. That lower place your have circled looks way to much like a male pre-flower, should be interesting to see grow.

None the less the kids look great my man :toke:
Thanks for the kind words fellas. I hope they keep at it.

looks way to much like a male pre-flower, should be interesting to see grow.

I Thought so too. It would be typical.. Biggest best looking grows both parts. We'll see.. My initial feeling was male. But i see more hairs even now since i transplanted.
i would cut the ball off in question and babysit it some more..... no more balls all good