Mephisto Genetics MBAP, Creme Bubbly, George Walker Bush

Oh.k. after some problems with the bjb holder falling apart, i finished my 2700k/5700k 4x 1212 light. I'm running it at 80w right now. I potted the seedlings, and have them in the fishtank stand. Temp is 77F, rh%~50. They seem pretty comfy. This shot, they're still in the gerterminator.
Here they are potted
Here's Sherri and Terri, the MBAP twins
As you can see, Sherri is clearly the dominant sibling. Maybe I should have separated them. Oh well, i wanna see what happens. I put them in 2 of those 3 gallon pasta strainer I mentioned earlier, kinda slid them so the holes weren't too big, it seems to work great as an air pot. I'll probly buy a few more, can't beat the $1 price tag. I've got some Mylar to put up in there, i need to get some thumbtacks to attach it today.
I'm using cocotek coco, i rehydrated 3 bricks with 4 gallons of ro water with 10ml each canna a+b, 10ml rhyzotonic, and 18ml calmag+, and 1tbs kelp4less "extreme blend", a fulvic/humic/kelp blend.
Here's another pic of that 3 gal strainer, If anyone's intrrested in trying them. $1 at Tops grocery store.
Day 7,Things seem to be going well. I bumped up the wattage to 120 yesterday, it was way too much, they bent all the way down to the substrate trying to escape... reset it to 95. Feeding them 5ml a+b, 5 calmag+,10ml Rhizotonic, 3ml superthrive, 2ml humboldt silica, and 1 tsp extreme blend per gal. I've also got an NCH X Sour Hound germinating, i have room for another in there
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Day 9. I added some better ventilation with a 4" inline fan, it was getting hot in there. Need a variac. Things are goin pretty well though. Let's take a look, shall we?
I bumped up the noots to 14ml a+b, everything else the same. Temp 77°, RH 50%.20170814_123101.jpg
NCH x Sour Hound sprouted. I planted her like a week ago, and thought she wouldn't germ, they usually take less than 48 hrs, so I planted a second lol. I'll probly give one to a buddy.
Euforia be lookin CHUNKY asa MONKEY. I bet I'll get that pound I'm dreaming of lol. 2-4 weeks to go.
Gonna blow it all on drones hahaha
Welll...i cant fall asleep. I stead of laying here tossing (and also turning), i got outta bed and transfered the mbap twins into dwc. I found a 2.5 gal bucket ill use til i move em on up to the grown up table. Im using the canna coco still, others have with good results.
2ml silica
15 canna a+b
4ml superthrive for transplant shock (i think it works?)
13ml calmag+
10ml rhizotonic
1tsp extreme blend
20ml hygrozym.
5ml uc roots till i find a good hydrogaurd alternative. Im boycotting botanicare and gh from now on...cuz MONSANTO. were all gonna get sued. "Thats MY plant species, i own it!!!"

Ph 5.8

First i cut the bottom out of the net pot
Next i cut a 4x4 rockwool to fit the net cup
Then i opened it up and uprooted the plant quickly, some coco is left in the root ball, ill clean the rez tmrw
And here they is.
Lets see what happens. Im gonna try to find a tray to put the bucket in with ice water. My ac went down yesterday. These HVAC guys are incompetent. Theyve been to my place 6 times, and just guess and replace the thermostat and mess with things unrelated to the symptom chain. Ok im gonna rant here. Im in school for HVAC engineering. It turns out ive got an aptitude for mechanics, and i enjoy problem solving. So my exhaust fan in my heatpump isnt getting enough starting torque. These guys come, i say " its the power to the fan, no torque, check the cap and thr wiring..." they say " pffft yeah ok college boy, you dont learn this in school" and proceed to replace the thermostat. They come back 4 more times. Theyre up in the ceiling taping up some potential leak, and his head bumps into the wire and it makes contact and flips on. ARRRRG thesr guys make me nuts and its still 87° in here. Im just gonna diagnose it myself at night. Son of a bitch.sorry.
Anyway, i have a peltier all set up, but need a new power supply, the other i got wasnt actually the output it said. Ive got a pretty good bubbler.
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Oh yeah, i should mention i made some sour stomper iso hash. I had 40 grams of trim, i got .9g, but i fucked up and had the stove1a little hot, some cannabanoids boiled off, i took a whiff and got pretty high. Anyway, ill just let it sit and evap next time. But holy crap. Sour stomper is my all time favorite, and the hash is incredible. Ive never had good (real) hash before. Ss has such euphoric uplifting effects, it was fantastic, it made me wanna socialize ,and i enjoyed having a long conversation. Im kinds antisocial most of the time, so its great to feel engaged in communication. I really didnt think cannabis could hsvs thst effect. I vaped some an hour b4 laying down, i got up and made tge dwc, and am enjoying making these long, rambling forum posts at 3am. Oh boy.
Also, i finally turned off autocorrect. So. Im getting the hangvof having to control my thumb and use my brain here...
Day 13. I had to put the mbap back in coco, the rez temps are hitting 90 overnight. Cant be waking up every hour to switch frozen bottles. I have a power supply for my peltier on the way. Its rediculously hot in here. The hvac guys were just here for the 7th time. I think its either an airflow problem, or the fan needs to be tested. The supply air is 58 degrees, which is fine. I checked the superheat/subcooling, also fine. They just came and added refrigerant. I asked if it was undercharged, it wasnt...i asked them why they did that, they said "i dunno, these things have a mind of their own" starting to think this isnt a legit company, just a few scam artists with some hvac equipment. This is driving me totally bonkers, and im not confident enough to get up there and do it myself.
The MBAP twins had their roots boiled overnight, and came through a little damaged. Grape walker kush doesnt like the heat at all, but creme bubbly seems to be handling it ok. NCH × SH seems okay on day 4. Hoping it cools down soon, i have some ice packs and frozen jugs in there. 88°, 50% rh...
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Boy howdy. I tell ya w'hat. The heatwave is over...i had to buy a portable ac. Hvac guys came 9 times and gave up. Its the fan. Those cretins. I wish i could sue them for property damage lol the heat was pretty harmful.
So the GWK and CB are doing pretty good. I upped the noots to 10ml a+b and CB got a little too dark, so its at 8ml. I also started using Earth Juice Catalyst at 5ml, mostly because it was the same price as the ph down, but probably beneficial. Just did some lst on these 2 just now, on day 22. Gwk's nodes are so tightly spaced its a little difficult to find a spot to tie it down by, i like this plant alot
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Mbap twins are finally recovering from boiled potatoes. Stunty.
Heres the NCH×SH, on day 13
I dunno how much of a set back the heat was, it was 98° in there for 4 days, but they seem ok. CB's leaves curled up to the point that they were all little rolled up joints, i thought i would lose her. I didnt think mbap would survive either, and expected them all to be severely stunted, so i started another mbap and a Livers 'n' Cheese, they just broke the surface today. Im going to put 1 in dwc after Euforia is harvested, i purchased an 900gph air pump. The Euforia wilted and started toppling over from the heat wave. I had to tie all the buds i could up to the frame of the tent and light. That was depressing, things had been going great with that plant, now im embarassed to show a pic. I was very angry with those hvac imbeciles. Im still mad! Contemplating revenge.
Full Wilt:
Tied up:
Till next time guys
The compressor motor in my new ac just blew lol wtf...good thing its cooling down...
Well its cooled down finally, things are going pretty ok. The MBAP twins turned out to be hermies, i dunno if it was cuz it was so hot or thr weird twin genes. I chopped them before the pods developed pollen. I also realized ive had the GWK and tbe Creme Bubbly mixed up, i thought i labeled them wrong, the kush is a sativa pheno and the cb which i thought would take after hubba is a little indica type.
Day 37:
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I really like the structure of the cb.
Ive also got the 2 NCHxSH and a livers in cheese in there. NCHxSH in dwc is doing pretty good, i think the air pump i had before may have been responsible for my previous failed dwc attempts, it might have been broken and at a reduced output i guess.
I also got a bunch of new seeds and started a auto ultimate and durban poison, but ill probly start a new thread for them since theyre not Mephisto.
I harvested the Euforia photo, im really disappointed, it pretty much stopped developing for the last few weeks after the heat stroke. I got 5 zips of bud and over a pound and a half of larf. It has a kickass high though, i like it alot. I guess ill have alot of hash...
Ok, things are starting to blast off with tge GWK and CB, ive noticed the buds are beginning to accelerate in growth. The GWK still wants alot of N, the leaves are yellowing Lot on the lower plant.
Ive got several different noot solutions, but im running thr same stuff pretty much. I got some subculture m and photosynthesis +, well see what happens. I grew the soil sour stompers with bennies, it definitley helped.

I am kinda confused as to what plant is in the dwc lol i only smoke at harvest, and have a really low tokerance, and was super stoned. I am 90% sure its MBAP...i remember changing my mind a couple times, i labeled it mbap on the pot, but nch/sh in my log. Well see. Its still hot. I talked the prop manager into hiring a different hvac company. It should cool down soon anyway. I made a peltier cooler for the res, but have nowhere to move the heat, i have some wire coming, ill get some long hose and put the chip near the exhaust. Also am finally gonna rewire everything properly, i pug it off too long...
Its doing ok even tho thd res is 80...there was some nutrient stain on the roots, i freaked out a little thinking it was rot.
Im experimenting with supercropping the nch/sh, i topped it by accidentally bemding it to far, so i supercropped and marked 2 of the 4 main stalks. Well see what happens.
Heres the whole gang, doing pretty good.