mixed up some STS spray... scales seemed to be very accurate, my heavy handedness wasnt an issue.
cleaned everything like a demon between use...so what will be will be.
pic in order:
calibration, all the bits, initial mix, sts mix ( yes, i made sure all the powder and crystals were fully dissolved) I made a small amount cos I only have one plant to force over, maybe two if the first one fails...

I think its fair to say that that was much easier than I expected, everything seems to have worked out well, now to choose a plant.
which of these tough little plants to choose from:
Alice (soon to be Adam), Brenda, Candice
decided to use Alice as she is on a different balcony.

They are all Gorilla Cookies, and all hardy little buggers, came through toxic soil, weeks of cold and rain, no care, no attention, so they have that going for them.
I understand that I should choose great plants for creating seeds, but here is the thing, TESTING! testing STS mix and ratio, testing plants... testing me...
I still have a couple of GC seeds that I can run in the tent later, give them better conditions and see how they run out being forced into male and seeding... so I will look at this as a test bed.
The white coat sciency bit is done, now I need to colour up the thumbs to a nice shade of green and see what happens, I was hoping for some better weather so the plants could get a spurt on and start picking up, but the weather will do what it do.
At least its getting a bit warmer.
scales and bottles from amazon
silver and sodium https://www.laboratoriumdiscounter.nl/en/search/Sodium+Thiosulfate/
Sunday 17-03 topped 3 of the Blonde Russian ladies, the fourth is a self topper so I it be, training should begin in a few days.
Also gave Adam/Alice another spray just on the nodes, its raining on and off and he/she is on the balcony, I guess thats going to wash off some of the residue so not going to be great for the silver to be getting absorbed and pumped though the plant
cleaned everything like a demon between use...so what will be will be.
pic in order:
calibration, all the bits, initial mix, sts mix ( yes, i made sure all the powder and crystals were fully dissolved) I made a small amount cos I only have one plant to force over, maybe two if the first one fails...

I think its fair to say that that was much easier than I expected, everything seems to have worked out well, now to choose a plant.
which of these tough little plants to choose from:
Alice (soon to be Adam), Brenda, Candice
decided to use Alice as she is on a different balcony.

They are all Gorilla Cookies, and all hardy little buggers, came through toxic soil, weeks of cold and rain, no care, no attention, so they have that going for them.
I understand that I should choose great plants for creating seeds, but here is the thing, TESTING! testing STS mix and ratio, testing plants... testing me...
I still have a couple of GC seeds that I can run in the tent later, give them better conditions and see how they run out being forced into male and seeding... so I will look at this as a test bed.
The white coat sciency bit is done, now I need to colour up the thumbs to a nice shade of green and see what happens, I was hoping for some better weather so the plants could get a spurt on and start picking up, but the weather will do what it do.
At least its getting a bit warmer.
scales and bottles from amazon
silver and sodium https://www.laboratoriumdiscounter.nl/en/search/Sodium+Thiosulfate/
Sunday 17-03 topped 3 of the Blonde Russian ladies, the fourth is a self topper so I it be, training should begin in a few days.
Also gave Adam/Alice another spray just on the nodes, its raining on and off and he/she is on the balcony, I guess thats going to wash off some of the residue so not going to be great for the silver to be getting absorbed and pumped though the plant
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