Indoor Maybe I was expecting too much... anyway, onward and forward!

well that all went easy enough...
  • mixed up some STS spray... scales seemed to be very accurate, my heavy handedness wasnt an issue.
    cleaned everything like a demon between what will be will be.
    pic in order:
    calibration, all the bits, initial mix, sts mix ( yes, i made sure all the powder and crystals were fully dissolved) I made a small amount cos I only have one plant to force over, maybe two if the first one fails...

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    I think its fair to say that that was much easier than I expected, everything seems to have worked out well, now to choose a plant.

    which of these tough little plants to choose from:
    Alice (soon to be Adam), Brenda, Candice
    decided to use Alice as she is on a different balcony.

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    They are all Gorilla Cookies, and all hardy little buggers, came through toxic soil, weeks of cold and rain, no care, no attention, so they have that going for them.
    I understand that I should choose great plants for creating seeds, but here is the thing, TESTING! testing STS mix and ratio, testing plants... testing me...
    I still have a couple of GC seeds that I can run in the tent later, give them better conditions and see how they run out being forced into male and seeding... so I will look at this as a test bed.
    The white coat sciency bit is done, now I need to colour up the thumbs to a nice shade of green and see what happens, I was hoping for some better weather so the plants could get a spurt on and start picking up, but the weather will do what it do.
    At least its getting a bit warmer.

    scales and bottles from amazon
    silver and sodium

    Sunday 17-03 topped 3 of the Blonde Russian ladies, the fourth is a self topper so I it be, training should begin in a few days.

    Also gave Adam/Alice another spray just on the nodes, its raining on and off and he/she is on the balcony, I guess thats going to wash off some of the residue so not going to be great for the silver to be getting absorbed and pumped though the plant
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    topping seemed to have gone without repercussions, plants are beginnning to look healthy
  • No problems after topping, Plants are fully recovered from the shitty water and back on track, possibly a week or two behind what was expected, but looking quite healthy.

    top view, front view, self topper the sisters.

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    I had best clean the training mesh I think, I am expecting to start training and tucking soon.

    Poured with rain again yesterday and over night, the Auto's on the balcony are not having a good time, been hardy little buggers is one thing, surviving being drowned on a regular basis is quite another.
    suddenly growing like hell, happy days.
  • I swear they seem to have doubled in size in 24hrs... grown up into the light and got a little light burn on the tips of the tallest girl, so I raised the lamp.

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    this one is my control for the water issues, she has been getting aerated/standing dechlorinated water, but not ph controled ph is currently around 8.3 from the tap. So I am pretty sure its more ph than chlorine.

    The GC auto on the front balcony had another spray today, because, well it rained again.... and barely gets enough sun light to keep a mouse alive.
    the sts spray doesnt seem to have affected the preflower, I believe it should have turned brown within a couple of days????
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    topped up the soil, watered with 1/4 measure nutes, melted some holes in the bag edges for training
  • topped up the soil to make a nice clean level, watered with 700ml dechlorinated, ph controlled water1/4 measure nutes, melted some holes in the bag edges with my soldering iron for training. melting the holes makes them a little stronger around the hole as its melted man made fibers.

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    Felt that the front right needed some training.
  • The girl at the front right has a different structure to the other 3, she kinda self topped into 3 early on, so the training has begun for her... the others in a few more days.


    the Auto's out on the balcony have no idea what they should be doing, the cold temps, low sun hours and constant rain seem to be holding them in a frozen state, It seems that the cold really holds back the auto gene, I wonder if it becomes ingrained and they stay frozen.?
    Anyway the weatherman has promised rain everyday for the next two weeks, tjah go figure, so I have covered the soil with plastic sheet to stop them drowning more and give them a chance to dry out a little..
    in order,
    Candice, Brenda, Alice/Adam, and the ph control who is now getting sprayed with STS, maybe I can create some Blonde Russian ladies seeds.

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    growing in leaps and bounds now..
  • This is possibly the most exciting part of growth so far, when the explosion of fansize and shoots goes into over drive.
    On the balcony its raining (of course) so no pics, gave Alice/Adam and the small Blonde Russian lady a spray of STS , because of the rain, will now let them be for a week see if the STS worked or was just washed away.

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    Training period!!
  • So it begins, setup the scrog mesh, topped a little here and there, put the water drip feed pipes and bottles up for the two rear plants, So from now on they probably remain in place, with just a little topping training/tucking for a couple of weeks, get a flat canopy in place, once I have 16 mains per plant +/- then flip and tuck to fill the whole horizontal plane.

    The Autos on the balcony are to be left alone for the next week, see if the STS takes on Alice/Adam and if the plastic can stop them drowning in the coming rains....

    The small Blonde Russian Lady will get sprayed with STS for another 3 days, because of the rain washing the spray off then we will see where it all goes.

    Gave all 4 tent plants 700ml, de-chlorinated and ph controlled water with 1/4 measure nutes.

    pics in order.
    tent, all 4 girls? from the topindividual shots.

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    The Gorilla cookies Alice/Adam and the Blonde Russian Lady control/STS sprayed.

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    The tucking has started....
  • important for me to have some patience and a steady, lighter touch, you know, because I can be such a Klutz at times.
    With luck and patience I should be able to equal out the differences in structure and size and get myself a nice flat canopy, do not want to waste any of those photons....


    goddamn, Just realised I have been spraying my small "Blonde Russian lady" on the balcony with STS, but totally forgot to put her/him in the dark for 12/12 flip... I guess senility is beginning to kick in... meh! at my age one has accept reality I suppose :eek2:
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    A couple of days tucking, its a slow process for a week or two.
  • Just tuckig away twice a day, no methology really , just keep everything under the mesh for now, at some point in a week or so, I will remove the largest fans, top again, bend, twist, tie, train..... until then just need to relax some.

    Got a process for the water treatment, aerate a bucket of tap water for 12 hrs, let it stand until required, I have 2x 5ltr plastic containers, 1 for the de-chlorinated water, which is then ph controlled and mixed with nutes, the nute mix seems to ferment over 2-3 days, is that a good thng??? plants seem to be ok so it isnt a bad thing.

    pics in order:
    aerating bucket, top view.

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